Wedding decorations are a nice little thing that is part of the solemn atmosphere and creates a festive mood. They do not have to be bought in salons or from designers, since it is quite simple to make them yourself.

It is necessary
White candles of various sizes (you can also make them yourself), white, light pink, beige, silver and lilac satin ribbons of different thicknesses, rhinestones and beads, satin fabric, lace, champagne glasses, glass glue, stained glass paint
Step 1
Candles are one of the decorations on the wedding table. They are also used at some celebrations to carry out the rite of creating a family hearth. Making beautiful candles with your own hands is quite simple. Buy white candles in a variety of shapes, lengths, and thicknesses from the store. You can also make them yourself. To do this, you need old candles, which you just need to crumble, then melt the wax or paraffin and pour into the mold, into which the wick must first be inserted. You can make candles of interesting colors by mixing white, lilac, pink and silver paraffin wax or wax.
Step 2
Tie bows made of thin satin ribbons on the candles, decorate them with rhinestone or bead threads and lace. You can also make an interesting ornament out of rhinestones by gluing them to the candle.
Step 3
You can make interesting candlesticks from old champagne glasses. To do this, make a stencil out of paper with the image of a lily flower or rosebud, hearts, swans or doves. Then glue it to the glass and paint with stained glass paint. After the paint has dried, remove the stencil and outline the outline of the image with a silvery gel. Then decorate the glass with rhinestones and ribbons and place a candle on the bottom of the glass. You can also make glasses for the bride and groom.
Step 4
Try making a ring cushion that will come in handy at the registry office. To do this, sew a small rectangular or square bag made of satin fabric of white, beige or pale lilac color, turn it out, stuff it with cotton wool or padding polyester, and then carefully sew it up. Attach beautiful lace around the perimeter, which will decorate the future pillow and hide the seams. Sew a thin satin ribbon bow to the center or one of the corners of the pillow and decorate the accessory with rhinestones and beads. You can also embroider a good wish or congratulations for the young on top.
Step 5
Roses made of lace ribbons and satin fabric will help to decorate the interior in the room where the wedding will be held. In order to make the buds, you just need to twist the ribbon, sew the lower part and straighten the top. Roses are made of fabric just as easily: put a small square rag on a flat surface, press its center of your fingers, rotate the edges until you get a bud, and then fasten it with threads. Other flowers can be made from fabric and mesh. Decorate the resulting buds with ribbons, rhinestones and beads and attach them to the curtains, and also lay them out on the wedding table.