It would seem that a postcard is such a trifle, but how many pleasant emotions it gives to the birthday boy! Even the most expensive gift can look boring without a good, sincere postcard. But how to choose sincere and accurate words that will be remembered for a long time?

Step 1
The best congratulations to anyone is a wish of health and happiness expressed sincerely and sincerely. The text of the congratulation should contain sincere respect for the birthday man, recognition of his abilities, skills, talents, the joy of meeting this person.
We appreciate you, we respect you, They are always sure of you
And happy birthday congratulations, We wish you happiness for years.
Real congratulations are almost white magic, a conspiracy for health, happiness and longevity.
Step 2
Young people love humorous and light congratulations. In such cases, you can do just one line. For example, Good Luck and Gingerbread. Or "Let your life be calm."
Live without knowing sorrow and troubles, And may health be strong
For many, many, long years.
Step 3
If the birthday person loves congratulations in verse, but with fantasy, trouble, then you can use ready-made verses. You can turn to the poems of the classics, you can use a ready-made collection of congratulations, just redo some of the lines.