The most significant holiday for a person is his birthday. It is customary to congratulate the birthday person not only with a gift, but also with a special birthday card. You can send it to the hero of the occasion in various ways.

Step 1
Call the service of your city, which receives telegrams by phone (you can find out its number in the city information center) and order a greeting card-telegram for the birthday person. Dictate the text to the postal worker the one that you think is most suitable for the event: a congratulatory verse or an ordinary message in prose. The cost of the ordered telegram postcard will later be included in the payment for services for landline telephone communication. This type of congratulation without leaving home can only be afforded by owners of home landline telephones.

Step 2
A few days before the celebration, send a regular postcard with congratulations to the birthday person. Just do not forget to stick the stamp, indicate the exact address and the index of the destination, otherwise the congratulation may be delayed for several days. After all, the postal service will need more time in order to establish the number of the addressee's post office. Or you can show originality and send a postcard of non-standard size (A3 or A4 format) with a valuable letter or parcel post - it will surely be an unexpected pleasant surprise for the birthday person. Just take into account the remoteness of his residence from the post office: if it is inconvenient or far for him to get to the place of receiving the parcel, the surprise will acquire an undesirable negative connotation.

Step 3
Go to your email inbox and take a close look at the page - there are probably links to the fact that you can send an electronic postcard to your friend, as well as various samples of such postcards with ready-made texts and those where you can write words yourself birthday boy.

Step 4
Write congratulations to your loved one, even if he is in the hospital. Pass this birthday greeting card through the nurse on duty. And it is better if, along with the postcard, you get a balloon filled with a special volatile gas, which is lighter than air - such balloons fly, and do not fall to the ground, like inflated with ordinary air. Tie your greeting card to such a balloon and use a long string to adjust the position so that they hang right in front of the birthday person's hospital window. He is in a good mood.