A greeting card is a must-have attribute of any holiday. Earlier, when there was no Internet, and not everyone had telephones, postcards were the means of congratulating you on any holidays. Now it has become much easier to congratulate a person, but it is so nice sometimes to look into a mailbox and receive greetings from the past - a paper postcard.

- Paper postcard
- The envelope
- Address of the recipient
- Computer
- Internet
Step 1
In order to send a greeting card, you must first buy it. Unfortunately, at the moment it is very difficult to find a greeting card in the form of a postcard, so you will have to buy a postal envelope to send it. It is imperative to clarify the recipient's address for the postcard to reach. Also, the delivery price may depend on the delivery distance and the geographic location of the recipient, which means the number of stamps pasted on the envelope. Be careful!
Step 2
After the postcard and the desired envelope are purchased, you need to sign the postcard, put it in an envelope, seal it, write the correct address, and either put it in a blue mailbox to collect letters, or send it directly to the Russian Post operator.
Step 3
If the person you want to congratulate has an email address, then there is another way to send a greeting card - via the Internet. There are a lot of services on the network for creating and sending postcards for any holiday. To do this, you need to go to one of these sites, choose the postcard you like, write a text to it. If desired, the postcard can even be decorated with a piece of music! Then you need to enter the recipient's email address in the sending form and click the "Send" button.