Traditionally, for any solemn event or holiday, it is customary to give not only a gift, but also a postcard. Of course, there is no shortage of beautiful postcards today, but bought in a store, they are standard and featureless. When it comes to relatives and loved ones, I want to make the postcard more individual, so that a loved one appreciates the care, understands that he is appreciated and loved. Following our tips, you can easily design an original greeting card.

It is necessary
- - thick cardboard;
- - scissors;
- - glue;
- - scotch tape;
- - pencil;
- - ruler;
- - felt-tip pen or pen;
- - congratulations;
- - materials for decoration (scraps of fabric, satin ribbons, magazine clippings, photographs, cones, dried leaves and flowers, braid, feathers, sequins, beads, small soft toys, buttons, key chains, etc.).
Step 1
Remember all the hobbies of the person you want to congratulate, what he does in his free time, his attitude to humor and life.
Step 2
Think over the concept of the postcard. For a child, come up with a postcard with the characters of your favorite cartoon, for a teenager - with elements of his hobbies and photos of idols, for those who like to laugh, create a cool postcard. If the card is for the angler or the traveler, play with this theme.
Step 3
Come up with or find a ready-made greeting that will emphasize the personality of the card and which you will want to read over and over again. Start your congratulations with a respectful appeal, and end with a signature and date. Do not write standard congratulations, they will already be enough for the holiday.
Step 4
Create the base for your postcard. Buy a ready-made blank card or make one yourself. To do this, take a large sheet of thick paper, preferably cardboard, with a white glossy surface. Cut out a large rectangle and fold it in the middle. In the first "page", cut out a window of any suitable shape so that the elements can "peek out".
Step 5
With a very thin pencil, line out the place for congratulations. Carefully, in a beautiful handwriting, using a good pen or felt-tip pen, write the selected congratulation. When the lettering is completely dry, erase the pencil lines with an eraser. If you are not sure about your handwriting, print your congratulations on a printer, cut out and paste into a postcard.
Step 6
Prepare the elements that you will use to decorate the card. Cut out pictures of animals, actors, cartoon characters, pictures of friends and family from glossy magazines or print on a color printer. Collect cones, spruce branches, autumn leaves in the forest or park. Make flowers and leaves, a silhouette of a Christmas tree, hearts from fabric or satin ribbons. Buy funny buttons, key chains, small stuffed toys, beads, sequins, braid, feathers - whatever you can find in the store.
Step 7
To finalize the greeting card, glue the selected elements with glue and tape in the desired order, make sure that all elements are held tight.