Among the many ready-made postcards with texts that are sold literally at every step (even in grocery stores), you can easily choose any one that matches the desired occasion or event. And the texts in them, as usual, are performed in verse. But these verses do not always meet our requirements, even if the design of the postcard itself is quite satisfactory. In this case, it is best to make a postcard yourself and write a unique greeting in it, for example, happy birthday. It will perfectly match the hero of the occasion, and also (which is very remarkable), it will show him your touching care aimed at making a pleasant surprise.

Step 1
Birthday greetings written with your own hand are always much more pleasant than the formulaic phrases of purchased postcards. In addition, it can be applied not necessarily on a postcard. Why not try as an improvised (and very original) material a balloon or, say, a scarf draped over your shoulders so that, meeting you at the entrance to the house, the birthday person can easily read your congratulations.
Step 2
Believe me, the way of presenting your congratulations is no less important than its content. And the more original it is, the more impression it will make on the person being congratulated.
Step 3
As a basis for the congratulation itself, you can take a verse (written based on the personal qualities of the hero of the occasion) or a well-known song, the text in which can be corrected in accordance with the name and character traits of the birthday man. Depending on the age of the person to be congratulated, the text can be slightly encrypted by replacing some nouns (verbs) with drawn objects. For example, teenagers will surely appreciate this way of congratulating. Do not be afraid to go beyond the generally accepted traditions, on the contrary, run away from boring templates and try to surprise your friends and loved ones with new ideas. Good luck with this entertaining business!