A wedding is an exciting and solemn day, not only for the newlyweds, but also for the guests. So I want to make a couple in love nice and give an original and memorable gift! The wedding card is an integral part of the congratulation.

Step 1
How you sign your greeting card depends on the type of greeting card and the closeness of your relationship with the bride or groom.
Step 2
If you are a rather distant friend and your relationship is not so close, you can purchase a standard postcard with ready-made text. There is no need to write a huge text in it, since all the wishes and kind words have already been stated in the printed poem. At the top of it, before the text, write an appeal and, if you wish, congratulations on your wedding day. Remember that you need to address both the groom and the bride in wedding cards, regardless of the degree of your acquaintance, and the congratulatory phrase should be polite and concise. If you are not familiar with each other, then you should not start the postcard with the words "Dear", "Loved" and so on - just write the names of the newlyweds. At the bottom of the postcard, write "Best wishes …" and your name and date.
Step 3
Postcards with ready-made text should not be signed on a blank page, as this suggests that you have to come up with a big greeting. These postcards feel overwhelmed and don't make a good impression.
Step 4
If you do not want to buy a banal postcard with text, then you can purchase an original 3D wedding card that unfolds, turning into an interesting composition. On such gifts, as a rule, there is not even room for a large congratulatory text, so you can get by with a short phrase and signature, as in the first case.
Step 5
Close friends and relatives of a young family should try and come up with something original, since postcards from such guests are likely to be read with special attention. In this case, it is better to purchase blank postcards, without text, since you yourself will need to write a lot of pleasant words and good wishes.
Step 6
Start your congratulatory text by addressing the young couple. Here you can already express your feelings and write "Family", "Loved ones" and so on. The further text may be different: prose, poems of his own composition or from the Internet, a romantic story or a legend ending with good wishes or congratulations. You should not allow impolite expressions or jokes in the text of the postcard that may offend one of the newlyweds. If you are a friend of a young family, you can allow yourself a little humor in the postcard, but it should be kind. In general, the text of the wedding greeting should be touching and romantic, corresponding to the atmosphere of the holiday. Be sure to sign and date at the bottom of the postcard.
Step 7
You shouldn't refer to your gift in the postcard. Firstly, the greeting card will be read separately after the wedding, when all the gifts are confused, and secondly, this is simply uncivilized.
Step 8
If you want your postcard to be memorable, take a little time and effort and make it yourself. Remember, big doesn't mean good. It is better to make a postcard in a regular format, place some romantic drawing on it and decorate with lace and rhinestones. You can also compose a congratulation from famous phrases from films, songs or cartoons and place an image or collage corresponding to the text on the front side of the postcard.