Bright Resurrection of Christ (Easter) is the main holiday of Orthodox Russia. On this day, it is customary to exchange gifts-symbols and greet each other with a threefold kiss: “Christ is Risen! Truly Risen! Families gather at the festive table, and the absent relatives and friends are congratulated with Easter cards. People who do not consider themselves deeply religious or simply have not studied religious traditions well enough should know that there are certain rules for written Easter greetings.

It is necessary
- - postcard;
- - fountain pen;
- - red felt-tip pen;
- - the envelope.
Step 1
Pick up an Easter card. Give preference to images that traditionally symbolize resurrection, transformation, rebirth. These can be colored eggs, Easter cakes, Easter baskets, spring flowers, Orthodox churches, candles, joyful children and adults.
Step 2
Write your congratulation text. Compose it in a good mood, thinking warmly about those to whom the Easter card is meant. Congratulations on the Bright Resurrection of Christ should be sincere, unconceived, joyful. There is no room for ironic remarks and ambiguity in it.
Step 3
In the first line, place only two words "Christ is Risen!" It is desirable to highlight them in red. This is followed by an appeal to the addressee. When congratulating family and friends, call them by name. You can use the diminutive form or home versions, for example, "Dear Olenka!", "Beloved grandma!", "Gleb, son!" To your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, address the following phrase: "Dear brother (dear sister) in Christ!" You can also address this Easter card to a spiritual mentor, a priest whom you know well, for example, "Dear Father, Father Vladimir!" or "Dear Father in Christ!"
Step 4
In the main part, write your own congratulations and wishes. Tell us about those bright feelings that you experience and which you want to share with your loved ones. If the postcard is intended for relatives living far away, you can express regret about the impossibility of personal presence. For example, “Christ is Risen! My dear Tanyusha, Volodya and Shurochka! I sincerely congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ! I hug and kiss each of you three times! I wish you joy, health, love and peace in your soul. May your family live without troubles and longing, may your path illuminate the light of the Resurrection. And although you are far away today, you should know that I love you and look forward to meeting you. With love, your mother and grandmother."
Step 5
Finish your congratulations with the words "Truly Risen!" Write them in the middle of the line and highlight them in red. The beginning and end of the postcard text will be combined into the traditional Easter greeting: “Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!"
Step 6
Supplement your congratulations with a poem. If you want to, compose 1-2 quatrains yourself. If you think you lack talent, quote the classics. For example, the poet of the XIX century Konstantin Fofanov: "To the tune of Easter prayers And to the ringing of bells, spring flies to us from distant, From noon edges."