In winter, you can find a lot of outdoor activities. This is cross-country skiing on forest trails, ice skating on open skating rinks, descending from the mountains on sleds or tubes, and, perhaps, just wallowing in snowdrifts. But for the first two activities you need at least some experience and stamina, but tubing is a good pastime.

What is tubing?
Tubing is an annual winter activity that has become popular in the last decade. Of course, before many people rode down the mountains on huge sleds for several people or singly on small iron sleds, but it was tubing that appeared relatively recently. This word comes from the word "tuba", which is called inflatable tires. Inside, they are filled with air, which means a more comfortable descent and the use of various jumps on the track. Try to sled jumping over the springboard - injury is guaranteed to you.
Tubes, they are cheesecakes in common people, come in different shapes and diameters. In the middle there is a recess for a convenient position where you can sit or lie on your stomach. Handles are sewn on the sides so as not to jump off the tuba while riding.
Mountains for tubing are prepared artificially in the fall, so that the first snow will neatly cover the slope. There are also places for tubing with a natural slope. Often, several tracks are made for different types of skiing: a gentler slope for parents with children, a steep slope for the more daring, and with different turns and jumps for great extreme lovers.
Many people like tubing, because this free skiing is so exciting that you want to repeat it again and again. It can be scary to start moving, but after pushing off, there is no way to stop. The tube will quickly pick up speed, and your adrenaline will jump to the highest point. This is a feeling of speed, drive, freedom. Your breath catches, but you want it faster…. It does not last long, just a couple of minutes, depending on the length of the track, but for the sake of repeating these emotions, you will again climb to the top of the mountain. And even the absence of a lift will not hurt you.
What are the dangers of tubing?
Is it as safe as it seems at first glance? Oddly enough, but not only the person who rolled down can suffer, but also the person who has just finished the descent. To knock down a walking person who has neglected the rule to leave the track after a descent is easier than ever. And the victim will be to blame for this.
Trails with trampolines are especially dangerous when the tuba jumps above the ground, and the person who has not rested on the tuba falls no longer on the tuba, but on solid ground. Especially you need to carefully monitor children who are already skating on their own. The schoolchildren are impatient, and they slide down one by one, trying to have fun as soon as possible. But often it ends with a pile of bodies at the bottom of the descent and various injuries. Therefore, for the sake of yourself and other people, do not ignore the rules of the places of rest, otherwise it may become so that this weekend on tubing will be the last.