We are familiar with the slide since childhood. But what do we know about it, besides the fact that it is great to ride on it? I suggest, especially to parents, to get to know her better!

Previously, they rode the slides only in winter, they chose river banks or gentle slopes for this. The slides were not specially made, especially at other times of the year. How do the ice slides differ from those that came to us from Britain and are on all playgrounds all year round? Snow slides are not limited on the sides, have a long path, are unpredictable (they can lead somewhere), require dexterity, courage, stability, allow you to ride in a crowd, give a bunch of positive emotions. Such a slide forms a special outlook: expanse, latitude and longitude, openness to the outside world and inner freedom.
The European standard is a limited slide, rather narrow and short, it involves only individual rental, it is not at all interesting. And it forms the corresponding consciousness. As they say, if you compare, then there is no comparison.
The winter slide is a place not only for children, but also for adults. Moreover, men, like adults, should slide down while standing on their feet, and not on ice. There used to be a belief: if the grandfather gets to the end of the hill on his feet, it means that he will definitely live until spring. Skating on straight legs is a powerful way of developing the vestibular apparatus, the formation of balance and stability on the legs, balancing the right and left sides of a person relative to the spine. Which of us doesn't have a problem with him? A non-curved spine is not only health, but also a balance between willpower and lack of will, cheerfulness and depression, this is the presence of responsibility and control over your emotions. The expression “to stand firmly on your feet” means to be self-reliant, independent, viable. Roll down the hill and keep your body and soul healthy!
Most children love the slide, but how differently they move on it. One confidently throws himself off her, the other has some part of his body constantly hanging from the sled, the third cannot push off, the fourth cannot climb the hill and must be dragged on himself. These simple observations make it possible to judge the general physical development of the child: coordination of movements, the degree of development of the legs, the position of the center of gravity, strength. My daughter was already 4 years old, and she did not know how to ride down the hill, and it was clear that she wanted to, but did not succeed. She was awkward, jumped badly. It was these facts that made us turn to a specialist. It turned out that she had a clear skew of the spine to the left, one leg was already 0.5 cm shorter than the other. Presumably, there was a generic subluxation of the leg. We did only 10 sessions of intensive massage and now you can't get her off the slide! But everything could be different. Be more attentive to your children! While waiting for the completion of sledding, like a rengen, look at your children and compare with others. Your vigilance can protect children from serious problems.
In relation to the child's attitude to other children, one can understand what his character is. One tries to hit him with a sled; the other is in no hurry when it comes his turn to slide down the mountain; the third simply pushes the children off the slide and skips out of line. The fourth patiently waits, gives in, helps to rise. The fifth gets to know everyone, offers to ride on his snow-scooter. The sixth not only does not give a sled, but even hides it behind his back. So, if your kid has a problem communicating with other children, go up the hill. She will teach you a lot!
And also, roll in the snow! Remember how we did it as a child? Active felting brings a person back to his beloved. This is a great way to restore mental and physical health! Do it yourself and encourage your children in every way.