The winter period with cold weather and frost usually does not dispose to active rest, but this is not a reason to despair, on the contrary, you need to take advantage of the moment and be able to enjoy the delights of each season. If you are tired of sitting at home and watching TV, then now is the time to organize winter activities for the whole family.

Ice skating is perhaps one of the most fashionable and popular winter holiday destinations. This sport not only perfectly trains all muscle groups and contributes to the development of a beautiful posture, but also improves mood, helping to get rid of the winter blues.
You don't have to be in great physical shape to skate, moreover, even if you have never had to stand on the ice before, this is not a reason to deny yourself such pleasure. About a quarter of those who come to the rink find it difficult to move their legs instead of smoothly gliding on the mirror surface. The main prerequisite for going to the skating rink is the desire to ride.
Of course, if you have little experience in ice skating, then at the initial stage you will not be able to avoid falls, but you should not despair - before going out on the ice, you just need to learn how to fall correctly. The main mistake of all beginners is falling with your head back. To get started, practice grouping when you fall with your family members at home. To avoid serious injury, try to fall on your outer thigh with your arms close to your chest to help protect your wrist joints from injury. When falling, the head should be tilted forward so that the chin touches the chest.
Before going out on the ice, do not forget about a good emotional mood. Watch the performances of famous figure skaters the day before and imagine that you are just as masterful in the art of figure skating. With a little perseverance and patience, you will definitely learn how to skate.
Modeling snow figures
Ice skating is by no means the only entertainment available during the cold season. So, you can diversify your winter vacation by sculpting snow figures, for example, by organizing a family competition for the best sculpture. During the creative process, you can give free rein to imagination and bring to light original and unusual images in the form of outlandish animals, mythical characters or fairy-tale heroes.
Snow sculptures can be painted with paints and poured with water - they will freeze and stay longer. Do not forget to take your camera for a walk in order to arrange a winter photo session with the figures created from snow in the background.
Snow molding is not only an exciting pastime, but a great way to escape from pressing problems. From the point of view of injury, this winter fun is absolutely safe, and being in the fresh air will certainly benefit all family members without exception.
Other winter activities
One of the funniest things to do on a winter walk is playing snowballs. It can be either a traditional "shootout" with the storming of a snow fortress, or a fun sports competition with target shooting or throwing snowballs into the ring. For the latter option, it is not at all necessary to look for a basket; it may well be replaced with a circle of the required diameter (for example, a plastic hoop or a bucket without a bottom). Attach your homemade ring to a post or tree for fun competition.
An equally exciting winter activity is the game of pathfinders, since the tracks left in the snow are especially visible. If your child is not yet familiar with the footprints of people, animals and birds, then such a game will be not only entertaining, but also cognitive. Show the young explorer the footprints that his own boots, sleds, bucket and other objects leave in the snow. For more "experienced" trackers, you can arrange a fun game of guessing the owner of the trail.
If the snow outside is loose enough, then you can play treasure hunters with the children. Any rubber or plastic toy is suitable for these purposes. The one who first finds the contribution becomes the driver and hides it from the rest of the game.
Winter recreation is not limited to sports and various outdoor games. An ordinary walk in a snow-covered park can also be a lot of fun. Take your camera with you to be able to capture the fabulous view of winter nature. Before a walk, be sure to stock up on nuts - you can treat them to squirrels and fill bird feeders.