With the arrival of the warm season, the whole family wants to escape to nature, breathe fresh air, enjoy the sunshine after a gloomy and harsh winter. A magnificent outdoor recreation with songs by the fire, walks along the lake or river will not leave indifferent even the most inveterate workaholic. The only question is how to properly organize such a vacation for the whole family.

Step 1
When planning a trip to nature, you need to determine the number of participants in the event. Calculate all the costs that could be spent on transportation, food, drinks, and more.
Step 2
Choose a place to stay. Whether it will be the bank of a river or a lake, or maybe you will go to a mountain gorge or into a forest. It is important to consider the weather conditions and the preferences of family members.
Step 3
Select the mode of transport you will be traveling on. If the family is large, it is better if it is a minibus to take all the participants of the picnic to the designated resting place in one flight.
Step 4
Think about food in advance. They don't have to be perishable. Take with you bread, sausage and cheese for sandwiches, vegetables for salads, meat for barbecue. If you are going to relax by the lake, you can bring your fishing rods with you if possible. Ukha on a fire will be a family-friendly dish. For convenience, put the products in the basket and assign a person responsible for it. Don't forget about drinks. It is best if you bring non-carbonated water, juice or tea in a thermos with you.
Step 5
Don't forget blankets and tents (in case you are going to stay overnight). To prevent the bedspreads from absorbing the moisture of the earth, lay an oilcloth under them. Take warm clothes with you. In the evening, the weather may get colder or deteriorate.
Step 6
To keep yourself from getting bored, think about active leisure activities. Take a ball, badminton, guitar with you. It is important to take into account the wishes and preferences of each picnic participant. If you are taking children with you, do not forget that they need something to do. Take them on a fishing trip, pick mushrooms, or build a sand castle with them. Arrange contests for them (for example, funny starts), play rounders or treasure hunters.
Step 7
Camping in nature can bring not only benefits, but also cause a lot of problems. Bring anti-ticks, mosquito repellent and sunscreen. This is especially useful if children are having a rest with you. They can play and get hurt or sunburn.
Step 8
The memory of outdoor recreation can leave not only pleasant impressions, but also family pictures or videos. To do this, take a camera or camcorder with you.