After a hard week at work, it's so nice to relax and unwind. It is especially good to do this outdoors. Clean air, warmth from a fire and delicious porridge from a pot can drive away any gloomy thoughts. With every minute spent in the woods or on the banks of the river, the mood usually improves. The main thing is to organize such a vacation correctly.

Step 1
Make a list of vacationers, because the cost of holding a picnic will depend on the number of participants in a picnic in nature. Perhaps someone wants to travel with children, and you also need to know about this in advance in order to foresee what to take with you and where to go. Agree, a picnic on the river bank only for men or among colleagues at work is significantly different from a family vacation.
Step 2
The next thing you should think about is how you will get to your destination, especially if you are traveling with a large company. Whether it will be public transport or you will go on vacation on bicycles (to enhance the feeling of tourist romance), a corporate bus from an organization, or the personal cars of someone on vacation. You should plan in advance for the various options for moving the group. When negotiating with third-party organizations, clearly discuss the departure time and return time, payment. Take the phone number of not only the head of the transportation organization, but also the driver - this will allow you to quickly navigate in case of an unforeseen situation.
Step 3
Nutrition is the third step in organizing outdoor recreation. Plan what you will eat: kebabs, sandwiches, or cook fish soup over a fire. Make an estimate for the purchase of products or divide between the participants who will bring what. If there are children in the company, keep in mind that not everyone will like fatty kebabs, and consider alternative food options (pasta cooked in a kettle, or some kind of porridge).
Step 4
Think about what you will do during your vacation: play ball, arrange contests for the ability to light a fire and put up a tent, or just sing songs around the fire. Bring the necessary props with you to diversify your vacation and take into account the wishes of each picnic participant. If you took your children with you, you can go fishing with them - it will be so interesting for them to catch a fish and examine it up close, and then show off their catch. Relax on the banks of a river or lake, where there is a beach, combine with a competition for the best drawing on the sand or the funniest figure made from natural materials.
Step 5
If you decide to go outdoors during the winter, make sure everyone is dressed warmly. Consider a program in which people can actively move so as not to freeze: sledding down the mountain, ski jogging, playing snowballs or football in the snow. And sausages on a fire and hot mulled wine will fill every cell of the body with sunlight.