Active rest will help to strengthen the immune system, get rid of stress and anger, just to cheer up. A bike ride, outdoor games, and a busy walk will also have a positive effect on your well-being.

It is not at all necessary to walk fast, active rest also implies a quieter pastime, for example, a uniform pace of stride is much more beneficial for muscles than running. Try to be closer to nature: stroke the grass, tree bark with your hands, enjoy the scents and sounds of nature, watch an ant or other insect.
Take a bike and cycle around the area. Monotonous pedaling is reminiscent of meditation, which in itself is a great remedy for depression. At the same time, you can throw off the burden of sad thoughts. Cycling is suitable for all people, regardless of physical fitness.
Run a race, remember the game of catch-up, if you are relaxing with your family, teach children the games of your childhood. So you will not only become closer, but also get a powerful boost of energy and positive emotions. The feeling of lightness and carelessness will not leave you for a long time.
For orthopedic problems and diseases of the nervous system, walking barefoot in the dew on summer days is useful: the body simultaneously receives a charge of vigor and hardens. Walking on the pebbles by the sea will strengthen the arch of the foot, and for those suffering from headaches, doctors recommend walking ankle-deep in the river.