According to the Gregorian calendar, New Year begins on January 1st. And his arrival marks most of the world. But there is another date for the beginning of the year, the calculation of which is tied to the lunar cycle. This is the so-called Eastern New Year, celebrated according to Chinese traditions.

Step 1
Eastern New Year is the most solemn and magnificent holiday of the peoples of the East. It is officially celebrated in China, the Philippines, Thailand, the island of Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia. New Year's celebrations last two days of the day, not counting the day before the holiday.
Step 2
The date is determined by the lunar calendar. The second new moon following the date of the winter solstice is considered the beginning of the year. Thus, it falls between January 21 and February 21. This year it is February 3rd.
Step 3
Each Eastern New Year is held under the symbol of the corresponding zodiac sign, and in Mongolia, in addition, each year is associated with a certain color. In China, in the northern part of the country, a flowering peach branch is installed in the house for the holiday, and in some houses tangerine trees with wonderful sunny fruits are placed, which symbolize prosperity and prosperity. This is due to the fact that it was during this period that tangerine, almond, apricot and peach trees began to bloom in North China. The streets of the Celestial Empire are also abundantly decorated with bouquets of flowers and flowering tree branches.
Step 4
The southern inhabitants of the country traditionally decorate their homes with a blossoming apricot branch, where the flower certainly has five petals. In the place of honor in the dwellings, the owners always put watermelons, the core of which is red, which symbolizes the arrival of good luck in the coming year.
Step 5
Throughout the country, regardless of where they live, residents organize massive dance carnivals, where the main figure is the dragon. The apogee of the celebration falls at night.
Step 6
On New Year's Eve, China blooms in red - the color of joy and sun. Many people paint doors and window frames red and hang “hieroglyphs of happiness,” symbolizing joy, prosperity and well-being. When buying new clothes for the New Year, Chinese people, especially women, also prefer this color.
Step 7
In tune with European traditions, the Chinese, before the New Year, pay off debts, make new purchases, carry out general cleaning in their homes and give children gifts in the form of beautiful red envelopes with coins, so that they bring happiness and good luck.