A pig is a kind and open animal that is able to find a common language with absolutely anyone. Everyone greeted the year of the pig with joy and gaiety, however, according to the eastern calendar, the year of the pig has not yet arrived.

Each coming year comes to our house with its patron. In 2019, we are patronized by the Yellow Earth Pig. The pig has several cosmic elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This year we met with the earth. According to legend, this animal will not be able to offend anyone, but, on the contrary, will stand up to protect the offended and the weak. The pig is not capable of dirty tricks, it has a very kind character and an extremely positive attitude. That is why many believe that the coming
it is the pig that closes the cycle of twelve animals, so she has collected all their positive qualities. Do not think that the pig is dirty and unclean; on the contrary, the pig is the most ambitious animal. You need to meet her with a table full of various dishes and in new beautiful clothes.
However, the European New Year celebration differs from the Eastern calendar by more than a month. So, fully
This year is considered the most fruitful in terms of money, because it is not for nothing that piggy banks are made in the form of pigs. However, the wealth itself will not fall into the hands, you have to work. The pig does not favor lazy people, but patronizes only those who have worked hard all year.
If someone thinks that he has not met a guest - a mumps - according to all the rules, then it is not too late to change everything, because it is at this time, according to the Eastern calendar, that it will completely take its place in the cycle.