New Year is a favorite and long-awaited holiday. Not only close relatives, but also colleagues, friends, acquaintances and acquaintances are congratulated on him. During the preparation for the New Year, everyone has the opportunity to awaken some talents in themselves. Therefore, on the pre-holiday weeks, organize your leisure so that your friends and relatives will have a good memory of the holiday.

It is necessary
- - materials for creativity
- - postcards
- - felt-tip pens, markers, pens
Step 1
The first step is to make a list of the people you want to wish a Happy New Year. Opposite the name, you can mark for yourself what gift you are going to prepare for this person. By doing this, you can avoid repetition and confusion. By the way, this list can not be thrown away, but left as a guideline for the next year.
Step 2
Purchase the required number of greeting cards in advance. If you decide to create them yourself, calculate the time you will spend on it. If you plan to send some congratulations by mail, keep in mind the fact that in December the post offices are very overloaded.
Step 3
Get your kids involved in organizing greetings. They can take part in the production of New Year's souvenirs and postcards. It will be especially pleasant to receive such congratulations to relatives and closest friends. For children's postcards, choose simple stories and simple shapes. Help children in this exciting activity.
Step 4
Connect your fantasy. A New Year's card, made with your own hand, is in itself an excellent exclusive souvenir, which can be supplemented with traditional content by a few heartfelt wishes and warm words. Postcards can be made of fabric or paper, they can be knitted, embroidered or woven, made from available tools or materials, or using scrapbooking kits.
Step 5
If you are using a polygraphic card that already contains some text, make a separate insert in it, where your personal congratulations will be written. Considering the New Year theme, this insert can be made in the shape of a herringbone, snowflake or mittens.
Step 6
Come up with text for your card. If it is not difficult for you to compose a poem, this will be the best option for congratulations. Otherwise, you can find a ready-made congratulatory verse and write it into a postcard, or just write a couple of kind words from the heart. In any case, such a New Year's greetings must necessarily be sincere and warm.