A long rest can be intense and interesting, or it can only add to fatigue and cause disappointment - it all depends on how carefully you think over and prepare everything. Allocate time, calculate costs and act.

Step 1
Get active rest. Winter is a paradise for lovers of ski sports, skating on an ice rink, from an ice slide, etc. Winter holidays are quite affordable - you can go to a nearby resort, gathering a noisy company of like-minded people. There is nothing better than a few days outdoors, on the move and with close friends. If you did not manage to leave, then go to the city skating rink - there you will always have fun, meet new people and gain experience of skating.
Step 2
Go to warm countries. For those who like to soak up the sun and plunge into the refreshing waves of the sea surf, travel companies offer several popular tours - hot countries will welcome you with warmth and allow you to spend a couple of weeks, forgetting about all the problems and troubles. Choose a vacation according to your preferences - families with children will be interested in quiet resorts, young people will be interested in the presence of discos and noisy entertainment, etc.
Step 3
Spend time with your family. New Year and Christmas holidays are a good reason to be with loved ones and relatives, who often feel a lack of attention due to the fast paced pace of modern life. Gather all your relatives at home on New Year's Eve, on Christmas go to visit your grandparents, and spend the old New Year with friends - chat, have fun, get a lot of positive emotions.
Step 4
Attend cultural events. City administrations and cultural centers usually offer residents an exciting program on New Year's holidays - from children's matinees and performances to festivities in parks and central squares. Find out in advance what performances are on at the theater, if there are any movie premieres, and book your tickets. On vacation, you can visit places that you have planned to visit for a long time, but all did not have enough time - planetarium, oceanarium, dolphinarium, circus show, etc. A couple of evenings can be devoted to going to a restaurant or a nightclub - exciting evening programs, performances by singers and dance groups, the relaxed atmosphere will help you relax and have fun.