Picnic games will help make your vacation even more fun and interesting, especially if you went on a picnic in a large company. In nature, you can play sports or intellectual games that do not require special equipment.

During a picnic in nature, many games, quizzes, contests or competitions can be organized. If you went to the forest with a group of several people, then even without sports and gaming equipment, you can diversify your leisure time with various fun and come up with games for a company of any age category.
Formula 1
The participants are seated side by side. You can, for example, a net in a circle around the fire. The goal of the game is to become the winner of the race. Participants need to remember two teams:
1. Vroom-mm-mm (the sound of a fast racing car).
2. And-and-and-and (the sound of braking the car, similar to a squeak).
To start the car in a racing circle, you need to choose a direction - clockwise or counterclockwise. The first player starts the car, he turns to face his neighbor and says "vroom-mm-mm" to him. The person to whom the car was launched can send the car further in a circle - turn to face the next neighbor and say "Vroom-mm-mm". Or it can stop it and turn it back, for this you need to turn to face the launcher and say "and-and-and-and", now the car changes direction.
That is, "vroom-mm-mm" must be spoken in the face of the one who continues the race, and "and-and-and-and" must be spoken in the face of the person from whom the car is "going" to you, if you want to change direction of the race.
The one who starts to get confused is eliminated from the game:
1. Passing a fictional car in the same direction, he will turn to his neighbor and say not “vroom-mm-mm”, but “and-and-and-and”.
2. Changing the direction of the race, turn to face the person who sent the car and tell him “vroom-mm-mm” instead of “and-and-and-and”.
To prevent the game at the picnic from going on for too long, you can enter a time limit for the race. For example, 10 or 15 minutes. Participants who did not leave during this time are declared “Schumachers” and spray each other from bottles with selected drinks (it can be plain water).
This game does not require any special equipment. You just need to come up with a few prizes for the winners. The prize can be any item or something edible, such as a chocolate bar or pack of delicious cookies, juice, or a bottle of alcoholic beverage. In general, it all depends on your imagination.
Prizes should be hidden in places that are difficult to find. You can write tips on pieces of paper and hide them too. If the participants of the quest first find funny clues, and only then their prize, the quest can become a real adventure.
Jumping on three legs
This outdoor game is good for a company of at least four people. Before the start of the jumps, a platform is selected, on which the place of start and finish is indicated. The jump path does not have to be straight.
The players must divide into pairs, then each pair must tie the legs (the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other participant).
Couples with tied legs must get from start to finish without falling. The winner is the couple that covered the path faster.