Favorite holiday - New Year! How we are waiting for him, how we hope for a new and, of course, better life! It is on the New Year that we believe that a miracle will happen, and this confidence lives in us since childhood. But what if today we recall our children's New Year's fortune-telling and try our luck again?

1. Divination by the betrothed. On New Year's Eve, you need to write on five identical pieces of paper the names of five familiar boys (guys, men), roll each piece of paper into a tube and, going to bed, put them under your pillow. On the morning of January 1, waking up, immediately put your hand under the pillow and touch one of the five tubes - the one whose name is written on the piece of paper is the betrothed.
2. Making a wish for a loved one. A month before the New Year, you need to take a piece of paper, number the lines from 1 to 100 in several columns and, remembering your acquaintances, questioning your girlfriends, write one hundred names of men whose names are the same as your beloved. Thus, you should get a list of one hundred real people-namesakes. Further - the standard procedure: at a quarter to twelve, we burn a leaf in an old saucepan, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the chimes, making a wish for our beloved!
3. Fortune-telling for the next year. On the morning of January 1, you need to go to a bookcase, at random to get any book, open it without looking - on any page, just without looking, put your right index finger about in the middle of this page. Then look at the text and read the sentence on which the finger is located. Now the most important thing is to try to decipher the meaning of what you have read: this will be the defining characteristic of the coming year! Of course, imagination and a sense of humor will come in handy!..
4. Collective divination on New Year's Eve on candles and orange peels. Everyone sits at the table around a burning candle. Each fortuneteller has a quarter of an orange peel in his hands. In turn, each squeezes their crust, directing a spray of orange oil onto the candle flame. Who will have the brightest flash - he will get married in the coming year (he gets married - men can also participate in this fortune-telling).
5. Fortune telling in the name of the future husband. For this fortune-telling you will need courage and lack of complexes, a little courage … And in the New Year, as a rule, all people have such qualities! On the morning of January 1, you need to go outside and ask the first man who comes to meet him - what is his name (of course, congratulating him on the New Year). This will be the name of your betrothed!