Old New Year is a holiday unique in its essence, which was brought to the inhabitants of Russia by the October Revolution. This is an opportunity to extend the New Year's extravaganza, which will be repeated again only a year later. According to statistics, the old New Year is considered a holiday and is celebrated by 60% of the population of Russia and the former Soviet republics.

Ancient traditions of celebrating the New Year
Meanwhile, people who want not just to drink and have a snack, prolonging the pleasure of the New Year holidays, should know how the ancestors celebrated the New Year, but, perhaps, implement something this year.
A long time ago there was a tradition of preparing dumplings with a surprise for the New Year. On the last day of the old year, the hostesses made dumplings, in which they put "surprises". Thus, the guests of the house could find a candy, a coin or something similar. If you decide to surprise your guests in the same way during the celebration of the old New Year, then take care that the "surprises" do not harm their health. In addition, another tradition with dumplings adjoins one more: baking a festive pie. When making it, the hostess puts a clove of garlic in the dough. Whoever gets it, for that year will be especially successful.
Currently, the food industry produces such dumplings, calling them fortune-telling, because there may be a good wish as a filling. Do not forget that the old New Year falls on the time of Christmastide, and these days it was customary to guess since ancient times.
Caroling is an old Russian tradition. More often it is customary to carol at Christmas, but the same tradition has taken root in the Old New Year's celebration.
The Old New Year's holiday is an opportunity to have fun once again, only this time without the usual New Year's fuss. And if you treat the holiday creatively, you can create a festive atmosphere for yourself and your friends.