On New Year's Eve, it is customary to congratulate not only relatives and children, but also good friends. Even if there is no opportunity to meet, the girlfriend still needs to be congratulated, because all people, without exception, love receiving warm wishes and gifts. Your touching words, spoken or written on a postcard, should come from the heart and be sincere.

Step 1
If you cannot meet your friend for the New Year, then you can congratulate her in advance. Think carefully about what she has long dreamed of buying for herself personally, perhaps this is her favorite perfume or newfangled mascara. Who else, if not you, knows better than others what a friend loves and what her taste preferences are.
Step 2
A friend, unlike other people, can give almost anything. You can choose beautiful underwear, a chemise, cozy home pajamas, and stockings with garters - whatever your bosom friend prefers.
Step 3
If you know for sure that she has a normal attitude towards humor, then you can choose for her some humorous and interesting gift that can both please and amuse. Come up with an original greeting and hand over your surprise by asking to open it on New Year's Eve. Of course, not everyone will endure until the New Year, but in any case, a funny offering will cheer you up for a long time.
Step 4
Do you know how to add rhymes at least a little? Then compose an interesting poem with congratulations that your beloved girlfriend will like. Trust me, it's worth spending a little time on it. Just do not write platitudes, because you know exactly what to wish for this person.
Step 5
Be sure to call your girlfriend on New Year's Eve. Do this even if you congratulated her beforehand. Wish her good luck, success and health, do not forget to wish happiness in the coming year and all her family members.
Step 6
For good hostesses, you can choose a set of dishes, pans and baking dishes, for fashionistas - cosmetics and fashion accessories, for intellectuals - rare interesting literature or educational discs. After all, you yourself know what hobbies your girlfriend has, so choosing a gift in the right direction should not present any particular difficulties.
Step 7
Don't forget about your friends, think of gift ideas for them in advance. It is unlikely that your close friends and girlfriends will like it if you present them with key chains or faceless souvenirs. A close friend may even be offended, thinking that friendship with her means nothing at all to you.