New Year is always associated with something unusual, magical, fabulous. It is believed that during the New Year holidays, it's time for fortune-telling

New Year is a fairy tale, a time when all the most cherished dreams come true. But who doesn’t want to know if they will come true? The only reliable source of forecasts is fortune-telling, and New Year's fortune-telling has a special power.
Of course, I do not believe in the reliability of the facts that a thrown boot out of the window can provide, but I believe in the miraculous power of the New Year, despite my age.
1. The method with glasses
This fortune-telling takes on its strength only in the New Year. You need to take two glasses, one of which is filled with water. Make a wish, sitting under the tree or standing, as long as the tree allows. Then, speaking to yourself a desire or a question, pour water from the first glass into the second. This must be done quickly and only once. If no more than five drops appear on the surface over which you performed the manipulations, this is a good sign. If the whole puddle, alas, your wish will not come true.
2. Method with needles
It is necessary to tear off eleven needles from the tree. An hour before the New Year, go outside and throw needles in front of you. Well, then you need to reincarnate into a real fortune teller, since you have to show maximum imagination and, by the fact that the fallen needles have formed them, determine your future. The first association that comes to your mind is the most correct one.
3. Fortune telling with a mirror
The task is not for the faint of heart. It is necessary a few hours before the New Year, to retire in some room, put a mirror, in front of it a container filled with water, and on the sides there are three candles. The light must be turned off. You need to sit down and peer into the mirror through the decanter, for sure you will see something.
4. Divination by the betrothed
From paraphernalia you will need a gold ring, paper, and a pen. It is necessary to draw a square, in the corners of which write one by one the name of the man you are interested in. Hang the ring on a string and hold it over the square, strictly in the center. Where the ring begins to wiggle, that man will become your constricted.
5. Fortune telling by the windows
A few hours before the New Year, you need to go outside. It is important that it is already dark. Make a wish, turn 360 degrees and count the number of windows in front of you with the lights on. An even number means that the wish will come true. Fortune-telling in a metropolis is difficult, when in some sixteen-story building most families are preparing for the holiday!