A friend's birthday is one of the holidays in which you want to present the best gift, say the kindest words and wish only the very best, especially if you have carried this friendship through the years. And, undoubtedly, your loved one will be pleased if you rhyme and read all these words at the festive table.

Step 1
A poetic congratulation should reflect your benevolent attitude towards your friend, the joy that for many years he has been your reliable comrade, who will rejoice in your victories with you and share the bitterness of loss. But try not to use a large number of words with a negative connotation, such as "unhappiness", "bad weather", "sadness", so as not to leave a feeling of sadness from congratulations.
Step 2
Do not be discouraged by the thought that you do not know how to write poetry and have never tried to devote poetry to someone. As a rule, it is quite simple to choose rhyme in congratulatory texts, for example, "I congratulate-wish", "sorrow-dreamed", etc. And if you are still in doubt, find a rhyme dictionary on the Internet, congratulatory texts on postcards and adapt them to your congratulations by adding a few lines about a friend.
Step 3
Decorate your congratulatory text beautifully by inserting it into a frame or writing it on a special beautiful sheet or postcard. And after reading it, hand it to the birthday person so that he can save and reread your poem after a while.
Step 4
For example, the text of a poem with a congratulation to a friend may be like this: On your best birthday, I sincerely want to say: You probably cannot find friends like you anywhere in the world. And I am happy that I was lucky, because I have known you for a long time And on your birthday today Let's pour a glass of wine And remember how it all began With fun games in the yard, It still seemed to all of us - There is no more happiness on earth. We shared joy and sorrow And the tart spicy taste of victories, And how we dreamed of girls In sixteen young bright years. We served in the army for two years, Then work and family … You are on fishing and on hikes. You were an older brother for me, Support was and was a support - A reliable friendly shoulder. For a year now, we have been walking together with you. The worker is golden hands, There are no barriers to invincibility, You do not know laziness and boredom, You will be glad to any work. bright light in the window, Health to all relatives and friends, Comfort in the house and warmth. And so that your life, my friend, Always be wonderful!