Countryside landscapes can be the perfect backdrop for a themed wedding. Since the primordial Russian rituals have been replaced by the usual civil wedding ceremony, a real Russian wedding can become an exotic holiday even for Russian citizens.

It is necessary
- - a cheerful company of guests;
- - positive mood;
- - red dress for the bride;
- - a trio of horses;
- - toastmaster familiar with the traditions of the Russian people;
- - a musical ensemble, a DJ or "at worst" a local accordion player.
Step 1
It is not possible to repeat real ancient Russian wedding ceremonies in modern conditions, therefore, during a thematic ceremony, they are planned in a light, decorative form. The Russian wedding lasts three days. On the first day, tables were laid in both houses: at the groom's and at the bride's. Representatives of the groom came to the young man's house for ransom. The history of this rite is rooted in the deep past, when it was customary to literally buy a wife for oneself. After a successful bargain, the bride went to church, where her lover was already waiting for her with his guests. In other wedding ceremonies, the groom was also present at the ransom, then there was an opportunity to play a trick on him and bring out the fake bride, and someone disguised as her.

Step 2
After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom disperse to their homes, each of which has its own feast. Newlyweds should fast on this day. They are only allowed to drink water, kvass or other non-alcoholic drinks. The bride should sit modestly in the corner, covered with a handkerchief. She is forbidden to speak, but she is allowed to cry. It was believed that the more the bride cries, the richer the family will be, so she tried her best, and her friends, mothers and invited mourners helped her in this. By the evening of the first day of the wedding, the bride was escorted to the groom's house for the first wedding night. Fortunately, today it is not necessary to spend the day in tears, and a feast can be organized together.

Step 3
At the place of the feast, the young are greeted with jokes and jokes, inviting them to try the wedding loaf. It can be curly bread or kurnik. According to tradition, a wedding kurnik was baked in both houses of the bride and groom. It should be tall, layered, with rice, chopped eggs and meat. Above, the kurnik is decorated with dough figurines.

Step 4
A wonderful wedding procession will be a trio of white horses, which, to the sound of bells, will take the newlyweds to the place of celebration. Bridal clothes are also worth mentioning. The wedding dress should not be white, but red. This color symbolizes wealth, fun and purity. The groom's suit can be white with a red shirt, or you can dress him up like a master, in a richly decorated caftan.

Step 5
Performances of local folk ensembles and modernized remix compositions of Russian folk songs can become original musical accompaniment. Guests will be able to have fun at contests and games, since the Russian people have plenty of them.

Step 6
All the fun on the first day of the wedding is dedicated to the young. They must light a symbolic fire - the hearth of a new family, determine the sex of the first-born by humorous fortune-telling, collect all the coins that the guests will scatter on the ground covered with straw. On the second day of the wedding, guests rest, and the newlyweds serve them. This is another reason for the fun. Most often, fish soup is served on this day, and they "forget" to put the spoons on the table. They will have to be bought from the young. The more energetic the young are, the more reasons they will come up with to collect money from guests.
Step 7
A wedding feast can be celebrated in an ordinary farmhouse, which needs to be decorated appropriately for the occasion. In some outbacks of our country, there are still preserved old noble houses, richly decorated with carvings, or modern buildings stylized in antiquity. If you manage to rent something like that, it will be a real success. In the warm season, you can have a feast in the fresh air. The banquet venue should be decorated with garlands that will create a romantic atmosphere at dusk.