Many people have this - the new year is about to happen, everyone is fussing, preparing plans, and in the center there is a person who has absolutely no mood to prepare for the holiday. How to create a New Year's mood, and what needs to be done for this?

Home decoration
Sometimes, in order to feel a surge of strength and breathe in the mood, you just need to "join" the wave. The first thing to do is to look at your home through the eyes of another person. How ready is it for the upcoming holiday, is everything in the house clean and have unnecessary things been thrown away that prevent you from switching to the New Year's mood?
It is also worth imagining that the sorceress and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden will come to this very house. Will they stay in the apartment that is not prepared for the holiday? Of course not, so it's worth getting to work urgently.
To do this, it is enough to decorate the Christmas tree, as well as decorate the apartment with garlands. This will not take much time, and the rooms, burning brightly in the twilight, will look magical. You can also fill your home with New Year's smells. Let it be a live tree, tangerines, gingerbread and something else.
Winter music
There is nothing more inspiring than New Year's music. You can listen to it during household chores or while driving on public transport or a car.
You just have to believe that for many, it is the appropriate theme music that is the priority for creating a festive atmosphere. And all that needs to be done is to stage a few of your favorite New Year's songs, and after a few songs the melancholy and apathy will go away, leaving room for the mood.
New Year is a feast, a holiday and, of course, a time to give gifts. Some people, trying to cheer themselves up, throw their own celebration of significance just by shopping. If possible, you can spend the day shopping for gifts for yourself, friends, and family. In this case, you need to spend a lot, because even ordinary and not very expensive gifts can already give the feeling of a holiday. The shops themselves, decorated according to the holiday, will help to cheer up.
Configuring gadgets
So, the house is already decorated, gifts have been bought, and New Year's music is playing in the apartment. However, don't forget about devices. This is a trifle, but it is the person's gadgets that he uses most often. Therefore, you can change the picture on the desktop of your computer or phone for New Year's. You can also put some kind of fun status on social networks, subscribe to several themed holidays.