Safety Precautions For Those Using Fireworks In The New Year

Safety Precautions For Those Using Fireworks In The New Year
Safety Precautions For Those Using Fireworks In The New Year

Petards and fireworks are one of the best-selling goods on the eve of the New Year. Holidays deserve to be unforgettable. But this does not mean that you can forget about the precautions.

Safety precautions for those using fireworks in the New Year
Safety precautions for those using fireworks in the New Year

Parents are encouraged to take the contents of children's pockets more seriously - see if there are any firecrackers of different sizes? Despite the ban on selling such products to children, all schoolchildren find the opportunity to purchase them.

The pyrotechnic industry produces a large number of types of firecrackers with different capacities. They are capable of firing from one shot to hundreds in a row. The main task of the firecracker is to produce a loud clap. There may be additional effects - whistling and buzzing, spreading sparks, smoke. Classical firecrackers are activated with a special wick, which must be set on fire. In modern versions, they are equipped with a special grating head, which is ignited like a simple match.

From the moment when the wick ignites, to the second of the explosion, an interval of 3 to 10 seconds can pass. This is enough to move away from her at a safe distance or throw her away. The explosion radius of conventional firecrackers will be several centimeters. There is a risk of serious burns if safety precautions are neglected - therefore, do not hold firecrackers in your hands, and also throw them in the direction of animals or people passing by.

Observing safety precautions, you can avoid the undesirable consequences of the explosion of firecrackers.

Pyrotechnic items must not be carried in their pockets without packaging, nor can they be disassembled. Do not hesitate to throw away the grating firecracker, which has already been struck with its head.

If the ignited fuse has completely burned out, and the charge did not have time to work, before checking it, you must wait for it for five minutes.

Try not to buy pyrotechnic items by hand. Do not give them to children. Before starting, read the instructions carefully and do exactly as it says there. It is necessary to retreat to a safe distance before detonating the firecracker:

  • · For crackers, sparklers and table fountains, a conditionally safe distance will be 0.5 m.
  • · Fireworks exploding on the ground, firecrackers - 5 m.
  • · Equipment for fireworks - 20 m.
  • · When using professional pyrotechnics, it will be necessary to retreat more than 20 m.

The use of fireworks is suitable for any sites, except for those located next to high-voltage lines, overpasses, transport highways, hospitals, and children's institutions.

Fireworks must be immersed in water for several days before discarding. Then they are disposed of along with the usual garbage.
