You need to be able not only to work, but also to rest. A wasted weekend can ruin your mood for the whole week, so it is better to plan the weekend in advance, taking into account your tastes and preferences.

Step 1
Go to relax in nature. You can go to the cottage, go to the forest or to the nearest body of water. In winter, if it is not too cold, you should also go for a walk, at least in a nearby park. The best option is outdoor activities. In winter, go skiing or take the kids on a sled ride. In summer, enjoy water sports, ball or badminton. Remember tagging and hide-and-seek - these games will delight children, and adults will also like them. If you prefer a more relaxing getaway, organize a picnic with your family or friends. The main thing is not to abuse alcohol, so as not to start the working week with health problems.
Step 2
Meet your friends. For this, it is best to agree in advance. You can prepare a treat at home, go to a cafe or to an exhibition together. Try to choose a place that is most convenient for communication and interesting for all participants in the meeting.
Step 3
Dedicate some of your time to your family. This could be a trip to your parents, a romantic dinner with your husband, or a few hours of socializing with your children. This time is very important, as during the week many people living together meet only in the evening and for a short time filled with household chores.
Step 4
Take time for your cultural development. Go to a theater or concert. In this case, it is best to take with you a person who is really interested in it, or even go alone. If you don't have time for such a full-fledged publication, start reading a new book that has been postponed for a long time due to lack of time.
Step 5
Take care of your household chores. At the same time, you should not turn the entire weekend into one complete general cleaning. It is better to divide things into several stages - for example, you can devote a couple of hours to windows in one week - to wash them and wash all the curtains. The next week, do the kitchen - wash the stains from the stove and faucets, which have not been reached for a long time, etc. You can also bring in your family to help - you do not have to take care of the house alone.
Step 6
Dedicate part of your day off looking after your looks. Saturday or Sunday is a good time to visit a hairdresser or a beautician. There are many things you can do at home, such as a nourishing face mask or body scrub.