When preparing for your wedding, don't forget about the guests! Indeed, it is in your power to try to make sure that they will remember this holiday for a long time.

It is better to start with the list of invitees: are there really those whom you really want to see or have you invited someone “for show”. Of course, you will want to sincerely please your beloved friends and relatives.
1. Invitations. You can just call and invite, or you can bring a beautifully designed invitation card, and even with a sweet surprise.
2. There is such a tradition - to give small memorable gifts to guests. It can be beautiful sweets, handmade soap, souvenirs. It all depends on your imagination and capabilities.
3. Before the banquet in the restaurant, you can arrange a short (hour and a half) ride on a motor ship or a retro tram. But here it all depends on the amount of time and the location of the restaurant.
4. If the newlyweds arrive at the banquet later than all the other guests, they will have to wait for you. Make the wait as fun as possible! Prepare a buffet table with mini-snacks and cocktails, and if the guests are not familiar with each other, then you can ask the host to arrange some kind of contests or invite an animator, magician, bartender show.
5. Find a separate photographer to reportage guests, usually they are not as expensive as weddings. And there will be a lot of joy for the guests. Set up a press wall, order props such as stick mustache and hats.
6. Carefully consider the choice of the host, a lot depends on him at your holiday. In addition to a sense of humor, he should also have a sense of tact so that his jokes and practical jokes do not offend any of the guests and put them in an awkward situation.
7. Prepare your wedding dance. Now there are special choreographic studios where you can learn the basic movements in a few lessons.
8. If there are children at the wedding - it makes sense to think about an animator or special entertainment for them, because they will surely be bored of listening to long toasts.