It's a shame to become a victim of other people's jokes on April 1, without inventing any of your own. In order for the rally to be a success, to become not offensive, but funny, you need to carefully consider its script.

Step 1
Avoid dangerous, destructive jokes, as hardly anyone will like a formatted hard drive, a broken door, or gum on a chair. Also, do not resort to practical jokes, the consequences of which can be long-term. For example, if you teach a parrot to swear, he will continue to swear after the holiday.
Step 2
The rally must not repeat the one that was held last year. Even the funniest joke is never funny again. The formulaic pranks are also not funny: "white back", news for a child that he was kicked out of school, etc.
Step 3
Using a computer speaker with an extended cord hidden behind the refrigerator, you can make a "talking" household appliance. By opening the door, the victim of the prank can get a hint about which products are more useful, which ones are expiring, and which ones need to be bought urgently, otherwise they will soon run out. To a household member reaching for a beer, the refrigerator can “say”: “Well, you’re doing your own thing again!”, And to a child who wants to take a candy: “First, ask your mother for permission.”
Step 4
The whole family sits down in front of the TV screen to watch a news program, and finds that it covers the events that took place at the school where the child is studying, at the place of work of his dad, in the courtyard of the house where the whole family lives. A joker, armed with modern video recording technology, is capable of more than that!
Step 5
After watching TV, one is supposed to rest, but suddenly a mobile phone rings. But who exactly is unknown. It is not so easy to immediately find your way, if a day before the holiday on the devices of all family members, someone changed the places of the melodies.
Step 6
But the most interesting surprise awaits everyone who decides to go to the bathroom. A switch flips and the room lights up red. The color gradually changes to green, then to blue, then back to red. What color is the lamp installed in the bathroom? It is difficult to answer this question if there is an LED light bulb in the socket that gradually changes color.
Step 7
Of course, the proposed scenarios for April Fools' jokes are not limited. Show your own imagination, and the whole family will keep only good memories of April Fool's Day for a long time.