Fool's Day has long and firmly entered the life of our compatriots. Schoolchildren, students, office workers, couples, friendly companies, etc. joke and play pranks on each other. Of course, you can make fun of someone or make fun of someone all year round. But April 1 is a special date. Everyone knows that on this day he can be played, and to the extent of his understanding of jokes he prepares to do the same … And still "bought" on someone's innocent words or jokes. Friends are usually the favorite subjects for jokes.

Step 1
If you have been friends for a long time, then you should know well whether he has a sense of humor, how he perceives various situations. After all, you do not want to "joke" so that later you will not talk to him at all? Think of various funny experiences associated with your friend, identify taboo topics that you shouldn't laugh at. When you understand that your friend does not take jokes well, is offended, reacts inadequately, perhaps you should just send him an SMS in the morning with some funny quatrain and limit yourself to this.
Step 2
A friend who is fine with a sense of humor can send an MMS-ku with a cool picture or a sound joke - they can be found and easily downloaded from the Internet. You can go further. For example, ask a girl you know to call a friend back and act out the scene "we are going to have a baby," and so on. Here you need a convincing conversation script, preferably with some intimate details. You can also call back yourself, asking a friend, for example, to urgently take tests in a dermatovenous dispensary or go home, because you drove by and saw a fire engine at his entrance, etc.
Step 3
It can be interesting (although this joke is not new) if you call a friend and tell him that you are expecting him at the door. He opens, and naturally you are not there. And if you also tie a firecracker to the door and the railing so that it jerks when you open it … Just make sure first that your friend's heart is okay.
Step 4
You can buy some cool thing in a special store in the form of a spider, a slug, a box with a "surprise" and try to unnoticeably toss it to a friend. Now on sale there is a rich assortment of similar items.
Step 5
A traditional joke is to discreetly hang a sticker or a piece of paper on a friend's back with a cool inscription like "move me", "I love sex", etc.
Step 6
Quite a few jokes nowadays have to do with the topic of computers. If you have some knowledge in this area, you can imagine a friend's mouse to behave unpredictably, or implement a comic program that opens when you perform a certain action. It is important that a friend does not lose any of his data, otherwise he will not say thank you for sure.
Step 7
Be prepared for the fact that your friend is already preparing his prank for you. Laugh together, ending this wonderful day with jokes, anecdotes or a fun party with good friends.