The course of a measured and calm family life should be cheered up with perky jokes in honor of the first of April. It seems not so easy to play a prank on a husband - the duration of family relationships allows you to study the habits of the spouses and instantly recognize the planned cunning maneuver. Consider the most original pranks for a husband, which will be difficult to "puncture".

It is necessary
deck of cards, love movie, parodist
Step 1
Play a scene from the famous anecdote, when the husband unexpectedly returns home and finds his wife … But what and with whom he finds his wife - it's up to you. To make a good joke, and your spouse is not offended, you probably should not resort to your neighbor's acting talents and ask him to play along with you. Better to do this. The husband rings the doorbell, but you do not open it (make sure that he does not forget the keys on this day). Finally, he enters the house and sees men's and women's clothes scattered in a chaotic manner on the floor. And he hears hot declarations of love, sighs, ahi, etc. To do this, you should include an excerpt from the melodrama, where the hero, in a fit of passion, declares his love. Here, in a fit of rage, the husband will run into the bedroom and see you in an evening dress, with makeup and styling. Lay April Fools on the bed. This prank will allow you to further bring your relationship closer and understand how dear you are to each other.
Step 2
Surprise your husband with the opening of your third eye. I mean, say that you visited a psychic in the afternoon, and under his hypnosis your third eye opened, which means that you can predict the future. He, of course, will not believe your serious tone of voice and detached expression on his face (you need to practice mimicry), but here you will invite him to test your abilities. Tell him how he spent the day at work, who he saw, what emotions he felt, what he was worried about, etc. To do this, arrange with his colleague or secretary to tell you the details of his day over the phone while the husband returns home. To enhance the effect, have him ask about the fulfillment of the wish. You tell him to count the first four from the deck of cards and draw the fifth. He pulls it out and looks at what is written on the inside of the card - "From April 1, dear." Also, a minute before his arrival, you can invite home several acquaintances whom he has never seen, and they would loudly discuss your clairvoyant talents, lining up. But with the arrival of your husband, you would have imperiously told them that the reception is over, and, they say, come back tomorrow.
Step 3
Arrange with a parodist (a talented acquaintance or find an actor) to call your husband on the phone. The actor, with the voice of the president of the country or a famous person, will tell him that he won a competition, became the chosen one, or something like that. Let your husband be proud of himself for a few minutes and get the opportunity to talk with his favorite actor, singer or politician.