According to tradition, Holy Sunday, believers begin in the church, where a service is held all night and a procession is performed. After its end, Easter, Easter cakes, eggs, bread, salt, etc., are sacred, which people collect in holiday baskets and bring to the temple. Upon returning home, Orthodox Christians break their fast with holy food and continue the festive meal, for which they prepare ahead of time. But what if you have a working day ahead?

Step 1
No matter where you are, this big holiday has not been canceled. Your mood should be special, upbeat. In the end, even if you are brought up in other traditions, you should be inspired by the coming spring, the awakening of nature. As a rule, this day for some reason has excellent weather. Why not celebrate this?
Step 2
To highlight the festive atmosphere, try to decorate your workplace. Bring or buy willow twigs from home and set them in a vase. Decorate the room with homemade paper garlands with figures of eggs, chickens, birds, flowers, etc. They can be colored the day before and complemented with beautiful shiny beads. If you have a large living flower such as a ficus, aloe or a palm tree, you can arrange it in the form of an Easter tree. If it is not there, it does not matter, it can be made independently from twigs and various figures of angels, animals and testicles.
Step 3
Sprouted wheat or rye in a low, pretty vessel, fresh spring flowers in vases, compositions of painted wooden or real eggs-dyes and holiday cakes will greatly enliven your atmosphere. It is difficult to do this alone, but if each of your employees brings something symbolic from home, then decorating the room will not be difficult.
Step 4
Above the front door, you can hang an Easter wreath of flowers, grass, willow twigs, beads, etc. This will symbolize the awakening of nature.
Step 5
If you have such an opportunity, you can gather the whole team for a festive buffet table. For this, it is not difficult to place an order in a cafe or restaurant. And then you don't have to worry too much about the contents of the menu. You just have to take care of a sufficient amount of cutlery, dishes, glasses, etc. But you can do it differently. Everyone is preparing for this holiday at home. You can take some of the traditional dishes with you, especially Easter cottage cheese and Easter cakes. Each housewife has her own secrets of their preparation, and it is very interesting to try them all.
Step 6
It's a good idea to make a little Easter present for everyone. A painted or beaded testicle, a homemade box, a postcard made using the scrapbooking technique, a knitted or crocheted chicken, or at least a figurine of an angel bought in a souvenir shop - all these are trifles, but by showing attention to others and congratulating them on a bright On Christ's Sunday, you will cheer each other up and maintain the festive atmosphere. Make it your corporate tradition, because this date is worthy of special treatment.