As you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it, so you need to prepare for it carefully and with imagination, fill the holiday itself with a positive, and therefore the whole coming year. To understand exactly how you want to spend this holiday interestingly, listen to yourself, calculate your capabilities correctly, but do not forget to take into account the wishes of loved ones.

Step 1
If finances allow, it is worth arranging for yourself an unforgettable New Year in warm countries or on tropical islands. The islands of the eternal spring of the Canary archipelago or the resorts of the Dominican Republic with a warm ocean, excellent hotels on the coast, opportunities for active entertainment and interesting excursions are perfect for this. For a more relaxed pastime, go to Italy for the New Year, for example, to the famous resort of Sorrento, near Naples. The hotels offer not only a magnificent view of the sea, mountains and the frozen Vesuvius, but also excellent cuisine, an entertainment program with dancing and fun, with fireworks until the morning.
Step 2
If your budget is limited, you don't have to fly overseas - great places of interest are just around the corner. Take a trip, for example, to the ancient city of Suzdal, where the New Year is celebrated on a grand scale. Here, primordial Russian traditions are observed, mummers and Ded Moroz and Snegurochka walk the streets, horse triplets harnessed to sleighs and decorated with ringing bells are arranged for rides. Merry round dances are led around the Christmas tree, mead flows like a river and barbecue is fried, adults and children ride down ice slides and make snowmen for the competition - everything is permeated with fun and joy under the walls of golden-domed churches. For such a holiday, take with you a New Year's outfit and warm clothes, gifts for loved ones, take care of housing in advance.
Step 3
Now it is fashionable to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way for many, for example, on a mountain slope on skis or snowboard. To do this, go to the Carpathians, the Caucasus, the Alps or Crimea. All ski resorts prepare special entertainment programs on the slopes of the mountains, arrange fire shows and feed their guests with excellent local dishes. Or buy a ticket for the night train and spend New Year's Eve listening to the sound of wheels, pops of champagne corks, songs of the whole carriage. Find an opportunity to celebrate in a hot air balloon or simply on the roof of your own high-rise building. Do not forget that extreme ways of celebrating the New Year do not go well with alcohol.
Step 4
Learn or repeat a few New Year's songs and poems, change into the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus and just go out into the streets of the city, congratulate everyone you meet, give unpretentious souvenirs, entertain sweets and wish everyone happiness - bring joy to people. With this version of the New Year, you will certainly find many new friends, and maybe even meet your destiny - after all, miracles happen on this night, and dreams come true.