A Christmas tree without silver or multi-colored rain looks less elegant. The "streams" of rain, shimmering under the rainbow lights of garlands, intensify the feeling of a holiday, decorate the forest beauty a hundredfold, and the whole house as a whole. You can decorate a Christmas tree with rain in different ways, you just have to show your imagination.

Step 1
The easiest way is to simply sketch individual stripes of rain on the tree. Only a little, otherwise they will distract attention from the Christmas tree decorations, or even from Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden under the tree. In addition, the abundance of rain makes the tree seem lifeless, metal.
Step 2
Take several packs of rain of different colors. Attach their bases on the top of the tree, and then begin to distribute in a spiral downwardly first a package of one color, then another, then a third, etc. Colors should not mix. Your Christmas tree will shine like a rainbow.
Step 3
The principle is the same as in the previous version, with the only difference that by placing the first coil of rain in a spiral, the second one starts to spin in the opposite direction. Cross threads of colored rain look very impressive. Don't forget about a sense of proportion.
Step 4
If your tree is in a corner, decorate the front with a rain figure. Longer rain will be required. Attach the base of one bunch of rain on the top of the Christmas tree, and then start laying out a figure - a snowflake, a star, a Christmas tree, a circle (a blank for a face, for example, a fairy-tale hero). Fasten the bends and corners with paper clips or pins, attach them to the branches of the tree. If one package was not enough, attach the second to the top of the head next to the first bundle and start repeating the outlines of the figure, only in the opposite direction. So that the ends of the beams meet at the bottom. Secure the figure well so that it does not crumble, and bring it to the end. If you planned a star, make the rays emanating from it (also from the rain), if a clown, build eyes from blue rain, a nose from yellow rain, a wide smiling mouth - from red, a cap - from green, etc. Imagine with your children.
Step 5
Even before you start hanging Christmas toys on the tree, attach the base of the silver rain to the top of the tree and gently wrap the trunk in a spiral. In this case, you do not need to decorate the Christmas tree with rain on top of the toys.
Step 6
Attaching 2-3 bunches of rain to the top of the spruce, fan it all over the spruce. Make sure that he does not cover the toys, but only emphasizes their shine with his shine.
Step 7
If your Christmas tree stands on some kind of dais (on a table, on a stool), attach a thread to its lower branches so that it forms a circle around the entire diameter of the lower part. Then take the rain in one "trickle" and throw on this thread tightly one by one. As a result, you should have a "skirt" for the Christmas tree sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. Trim the bottom of the "skirt" (near the floor) with scissors. You can also decorate the top of the spruce by fixing a few bunches of rain on the top of the head and scattering the "jets" down to a height of several centimeters (cut off the excess with scissors). You will get a "hat". Very original.
Step 8
Place the rain not vertically, as everyone usually does, but horizontally, spreading it directly on the branches of the spruce. So you will emphasize the multi-tiered forest beauty. The gaps between the indicated tiers can be decorated as follows: in one gap the balls are only blue, in the other - only red, in the third - only gold, etc. Experiment, invent, invent. In one of the tiers, you can hang edible toys - sweets, tangerines, marshmallows.