One of the brightest and most romantic holidays of the year is approaching - Valentine's Day. Lovers are eagerly awaiting him to confess their feelings, give gifts, arrange a surprise for the second half, and also pay a little more attention, care and affection to each other than usual. Choosing a present for your other half is not easy. But no less difficulties arise with its packaging.

Having chosen a gift for February 14, you can pack it in an original way with the help of professionals in a flower or souvenir shop. Or you can use your own strength to pack our present in an interesting and uncomplicated manner and thus emphasize how dear the person to whom it is meant is dear to us. There is an unlimited number of ways and ideas for non-trivial and exclusive design.
Packaging foil
In order for the present to look neat, it is desirable that it be in the form of a rectangle or square. If it does not have such a shape, then you can put it in advance in some container of the proper size. Then wrap with elegant foil or parchment in the signature colors of this holiday - white or red - and tie a ribbon in a contrasting color.
Using stamps
Another method to aesthetically seal our gift is to make homemade seals. To do this, you need to take plain paper and wrap a souvenir in it. Then take a pencil with an eraser on the other edge and cut out a small heart from the eraser using a clerical knife. Next, we dip it in paint and stamp our packaging. Dry and tie the box with ordinary twine.
Kraft paper bag with Cupid's arrow
Twist a not long tube from half of the office sheet, securing the ends with a glue gun so that it does not fall apart. Use scissors to form the "tail" of the arrow from the rest of the sheet and stick it on the tube. Put a surprise in a bag of kraft paper, fold it on top and make 2 holes on the fold. Thread a decorative ribbon through the holes and tie in a knot. Insert the arrow with the tip down into the loop formed from the braid. Glue it from below to the bundle by means of a heart sticker.
Walnut shell
For something tiny, like a ringlet, pendant, or charm, a walnut shell is perfect. We pick out the core from it. Cover the inside with golden dye or gold nail polish. We put in a pad of padding polyester or cotton pad. We put our decoration and cover with the other half of the shell. We tie the nut with a bright satin ribbon.
Heart made of threads
Another non-trivial technique is the use of threads. We take a regular heart balloon, inflate it to the required size and wrap it tightly with iris thread, previously dipped in PVA glue. When the glue is dry and the threads take the shape of a ball, we pierce the ball and pull it out. We make a small incision at the top and push our surprise inside. Sew the incision in a suitable color. Tie on top with a strip of smooth shiny fabric.
In fact, it is not difficult to beautifully pack a gift with your own hands on Valentine's Day, it is enough to show ingenuity and creativity. It is invaluable to put your soul into what you create for your loved one. Just imagine how happy your chosen one (s) will be when you, with all tenderness and love, present him with a gift for Valentine's Day, which is at least partially made not by someone, but by you. Love each other.