How to congratulate a friend on marriage without sounding trite? This question is being asked by many. How you congratulate your friend will largely depend on your relationship with him, how close you are to each other, and how well you know the person.

Congratulations are in writing and orally.
How to congratulate a friend in words
Here are some examples of things to say to a friend at a wedding.
"Congratulations, I wish you both the best."
To begin with, you can decide on the choice between a good wish, advice or a joke.
“I have always had the feeling that you were made for each other. Congratulations and I hope that you will remain the same happy for the rest of your life."
“You are lucky to find each other. Congratulations. Be happy.
“To love and be loved is the pinnacle of happiness and wealth. Never lose sight of this treasure during all your days together."
"Congratulations to both of you, and may the happiness of this day be in your hearts throughout your entire life."
"May each new day bring something new and wonderful to both of you."
“The best way to remember a wedding anniversary is to forget it, but only once. Always answer the question "Does it shake me?" - "You look great". “Yes, dear,” say in any other situation.
How to congratulate a friend in writing
You can sign your wedding card in one of the following ways.
“For a marriage to be good, it is important that there is something else besides good intentions. This claim has been backed up by years of detailed research. As a result, scientists have come to the conclusion that marriage is a natural reason for divorce."
There is a difference between an old friend, a colleague, and an acquaintance. Consider this when congratulating.
“Always stay as close to each other as you are today. May life bring health. Let the house be a refuge from troubles, where you can always find a refuge. Let love grow as you share this life in two. And may the future be even more beautiful than you dreamed."
"The biggest wish for you is that over the years your love for each other grows and becomes deeper, so that years later you will look back, remember this day and so that it will seem to you the day when you least loved each other."
"Marriage is the beginning of bringing two people together, walking together in the rain, swimming in the sun, sharing dinners and lunches, caring for each other, and feeling love that can only be found in marriage."
“So married life began. It's time to think about the main thing. Always take out the trash on time, do not forget to spin your toothpaste and remember: clothes should not be lying on the floor."
“A happy man marries the girl he loves. But even happier is he who loves the woman he has married."
“May your lives be a great adventure. Fight together, side by side, and may there be joy and abundance."
“I wish you love - today and always, love - in joy and in trouble, love - in big and small, love that life will bring, and love - for years to come. Congratulations!"