The wedding of a childhood friend or classmate is always one of the brightest events for a large group of friends. And of course, when the moment of presenting the gifts comes and the toastmaster hands you the microphone, the young couple expects a little more than just reading poetry from gift envelopes and postcards. After all, youth allows you to approach this process with invention and imagination. How to congratulate a friend on his wedding so that this moment will be remembered for a long time by a young family?

Step 1
Think back to your friend's childhood dream and build a performance around it. For example: “Have you dreamed of finding a treasure? - So here he is - a young wife. Have you dreamed of traveling all over the world? - Take the first money for the trip. Have you dreamed of becoming a good specialist? “He simply has no equal in choosing a girl.”
Step 2
It is a traditional part of weddings to steal the bride. With the help of fiction and imagination, correct the tradition. For example, steal only a shoe and ask the groom to buy it back. Better yet, hide the shoes of your future husband. And let the bridesmaids take the rap.
Step 3
You can arrange a fun game - giving a gift. To do this, you will have to exchange the donated amount for smaller bills. And in turn, each of the friends calls a word-wish and puts a bill on the tray. And so in a circle. The point is that there can be a lot of wishes, and the couple will observe with interest that the third round of congratulations is already underway, and the money does not end there.
Step 4
If you want to shoot a congratulatory video, you shouldn't include your general photos there. Just come up with an original song and show in the video the places where you loved to relax and have fun together. Or maybe there is an interesting video from fishing, a moment when you smeared each other with toothpaste, or there is a record from your grandfather's anniversary, where your friend, as a little boy, read poetry from a stool? Funny captions and comments (famous phrases from movies) are welcome.
Step 5
If you've been friends for a long time, break your performance into stages. For example, first let the tomboy kids go out to congratulate the groom, sing or read poems about how wonderful he was as a child. Then - schoolgirls with a song, how they dreamed of him during breaks, followed by a chorus of football players (any athletes, depending on what kind of sport the groom loves), let them tell you what a strong blow he had before. The apogee can be the grandmothers who sit at the entrance, with a joking admission that if they were younger, they would have recaptured the groom long ago. Naturally, all this is in comic poetry and with maximum acting efficiency. For the most desperate friends, the version of perky ditties is suitable, because they are perceived more easily and will cause more smiles.