Ninth grade is a special time in school life. It is after completing your studies in it that you understand that there is very little left until the end of training. And it is after the ninth grade that a certificate of general education is issued, with which, after leaving school, you can enter various specialized educational institutions. Therefore, the question of how to celebrate the graduation in grade 9 should be taken seriously.

Step 1
First of all, it is worth figuring out how many people from the class are planning to jointly celebrate graduation. It can be a couple of people communicating with each other, and the whole class (most often it happens that way), and even the whole parallel, if the teenagers in it are friendly. The scale of the planned event is based on this information.
Step 2
Then, having decided on the number of people, you can think about the venue. If you're on a tight budget, it's a good idea to host your graduation party in a public place: park, woodland, waterfront, or somewhere else. Not much money will be spent, mostly it will be money for food / drink. If funds permit, the assortment of places can be replenished with clubs, cafes, entertainment events and those that are enough for the imagination of parents and their children. In this case, more money will be spent, but the parents will not have a headache about what the children will do, what they will eat and drink, what they will do.
Step 3
It is worth thinking about how to get to the event location. Most often, public transport is chosen. Cheap and cheerful. Especially angrily, because most often the children have nowhere to sit, and they themselves often become a headache for the conductor and the adults around them. Therefore, it is most rational to rent a bus / minibus for a day or two, which will be able to meet the children after the official part of the school, take them to the place, and then take them home.