On March 8, every woman and girl wants to be surrounded by attention, love and care. If you dream of congratulating your classmates on this holiday, it is unusual, fun, interesting, then start composing the event script in advance so that you have time to buy or make gifts with your own hands, to prepare concert numbers.

Step 1
Choose a location for the celebration. If you decide to celebrate the female half in the assembly hall of the school or in your class, then you need to prepare jewelry in advance.
Step 2
The room can be decorated with flowers, garlands, an exhibition of handicrafts and handicrafts for girls. So you can emphasize their abilities, thriftiness, accuracy.
Step 3
Buy balloons, inflate them and write congratulations and words of admiration on them. You can do even more interesting: write notes with wishes, roll them into a tube and put them in balls. Then inflate. You can come up with contests with balls, for example, offer to burst them at speed without using your hands, or dance in pairs, holding the ball together without using your hands. When the balloon bursts, invite the girls to read the wishes from the notes out loud.
Step 4
Design a festive wall newspaper for classmates. Glue pictures of girls and ask each boy in the class to write nice words for them. In this issue of the wall newspaper, you can also post information about the origin of the holiday on March 8.
Step 5
Prepare a treat in advance. Of course, you can order a birthday cake and buy ready-made meals. But it will be much more pleasant for girls to hear that you tried, and everything is prepared by your hands.
Step 6
The concert program should combine competition tasks, and the performance of songs, poems, and a disco.
Step 7
Of course, you can organize a competition "Come on, girls" for classmates and invite them to complete a number of tasks for a while (peel potatoes, sew on a button) in order to demonstrate their skills. But it will be much more pleasant for them on this day to feel like princesses, ladies of the heart. Therefore, if you dress up in knightly armor, arrange a comic knightly tournament, choose your lady of the heart and take an oath of allegiance to her, as in the work of Cervantes, then, of course, you can pleasantly surprise them.
Step 8
Next, announce the start of the ball and invite the girls to dance.
Step 9
Continue running contests between dances and don't forget to reward the winners with small mementos.