From a woman's point of view, March 8 is a day of flowers, smiles and gifts, and from a man's point of view, it is a day of big worries. They have to think about not only what to give to their native women, but also how to celebrate this holiday so that it remains in their memory. There are several ideas for every taste.

Step 1
Option for caring men. Those. those who seek to help their beloved women with household chores. In this case, you will have to do your bit to bring the house in perfect order. It is better to do it the day before, of course. Do a general cleaning, decorate an apartment or a room with flowers, balloons and garlands to your taste. Prepare breakfast or coffee in bed with a gift and flowers. A gift certificate to a beauty salon can act as a gift - let your beloved go to beauty while you are preparing a festive dinner. If you are not a culinary master, you can order food in a restaurant, but at least try to prepare a dessert yourself. In the evening after a romantic dinner, you can watch your favorite movie together, or listen to music.
Step 2
Option for lovers of something original. You can spend this day away from civilization. Not on a desert island, of course, but at least somewhere in a quiet place, without the benefits of civilization - a telephone, TV, computer. Book a cozy room in a country hotel. Walk in the woods, talk, joke, read a book together, go on an excursion - do everything that you haven't had time for for a long time. Dedicate this time exclusively to each other.
For those who like something more extreme, you can rent, for example, a tram for a while. Decorate it with balloons and flowers for an unforgettable walk around the city. You can arrange a "hunt for gifts" around the city. Nice little things can be hidden in a few favorite places in your city.
Step 3
Option for lovers of fun parties. Let the party be about some theme, women can dress up as their favorite heroines from movies, books or even history. You can dress up men as your favorite superheroes. All the "dirty" work should be undertaken by men. You can arrange a theatrical performance, you can prepare individual congratulations and surprises for each girl present. You can make a slideshow with beautiful music or funny lines from your photos.
Step 4
An option for keepers of family traditions, because March 8 is the day not only for loved ones and friends, but also for mothers, grandmothers, and daughters. Prepare interesting greetings for each lady present. Decorate the house, come up with a program for this holiday. It will be more interesting if it includes not only a feast, but also a joint trip to nature, an ice rink, a trip to a concert, to a cinema or a zoo. Organize some unusual surprises - for example, telephone congratulations with the voices of your favorite artists, or order a poster or a photo where the heroes of the occasion are next to your favorite idol. Create an electronic album or slideshow with photos of your beloved women with touching or funny captions.