Sooner or later in the life of any graduate comes the moment of parting with their teachers and mentors. At the graduation party, we stand on the threshold of a new life. However, many years later, we will often remember the most interesting and grandiose holiday of all - graduation.

It is necessary
- - Holiday agency services;
- - Presenter of the prom;
- - Photographer;
- - Videographer;
- - Artists;
- - Balloons.
- - Graduate / Graduate Outfit
Step 1
Invite a young creative professional presenter, think over an interesting scenario to the smallest detail, in which there will be a place for laughter, fun, jokes, games, contests and quizzes.
Step 2
Decorate the room with balloons in order to emphasize the solemn atmosphere of the prom at the time of receiving the certificates. After all, balloons are exactly the attribute that in a matter of minutes will transform even the most ordinary-looking school gym, assembly hall, dining room or hall in which the celebration will take place into a beautiful dream palace.
Step 3
Do not forget about fireworks - an explosion of light, bright splashes of fire, an endless extravaganza of colors. The fireworks will always delight the audience, because instead of the stage there will be the sky, and the actors will be multi-colored fire splashes.
Step 4
It is also necessary to invite a photo and videographer to the graduation party. After many years, watching the video and photos from the prom, you will be able to plunge back into that atmosphere of childhood, relive the joy and delight that you felt then. The result of the work of the photo and videographer will be a finished film about the graduation party in a beautiful package with an original introduction, titles and a lot of special effects, a beautiful album for each graduate and a slideshow at the evening, as well as any souvenirs.
Step 5
The prom night has to be stunning. And its zest can be a fascinating, colorful show program of fun. This can be a performance by artists of all kinds of genres: magicians, dancers, musical groups, jugglers, parodists, pop stars.