Graduation in a kindergarten, school, higher educational institution - these are significant events in which not only the graduates themselves take part, but also those who gave birth to them, brought up, and learned. Parents have a special role, they help in the organization, pay for the party. But the most important thing is to say a parting speech, seeing the children off to a new life.

The solemn event will be remembered for a lifetime if it is carefully planned and prepared. Parents are fully responsible for the organization of the economic and material part of the holiday. All the rest is taken over by graduates and teachers who prepared them for graduation.
The parent committee, or initiative group, must calculate all the costs to be incurred. Before that, hold a parent meeting, solve all organizational issues, taking into account the wishes expressed by each parent. Choose a representative who is willing to take responsibility for fundraising. You will also need a group that will take care of the preparation and procurement of everything you need.
You need to invite a film crew and a photographer to the prom. In addition, you will need to buy gifts for teachers who have prepared students for graduation, decide where the party will be held. The ceremonial part of the event, as a rule, is held within the walls of the educational institution, where all those present make speeches, present certificates or diplomas.
Select a parent speaker who has public speaking skills. Let him prepare a solemn parting speech, which he will deliver on behalf of all the assembled parents.
After the solemn part and the presentation of diplomas or certificates, the graduation party smoothly flows into an ordinary party, where the role of parents is to organize a festive table. If the party is held in a cafe, canteen or restaurant, the work of organizing is taken over by the waiters who bring new dishes and drinks throughout the evening.
Parents can relax. Organizational work has been completed, you can relax and have fun with the children, take part in competitions, discuss urgent problems and future plans with each other.