Christmas Trees: History And Traditions

Christmas Trees: History And Traditions
Christmas Trees: History And Traditions

Video: Christmas Trees: History And Traditions

Video: Christmas Trees: History And Traditions
Video: AF-209: The History of the Christmas Tree | Ancestral Findings Podcast 2024, October

It is with the appearance of a New Year tree in the house that the family usually gets a pre-holiday mood. The smell of spruce resin reminds of the approaching New Year's Eve - a time of unbridled fun, gifts and surprises.

Christmas trees: history and traditions
Christmas trees: history and traditions

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas appeared in Germany in the 16th century. The inhabitants of the province of Alsace came to the forest on Christmas Eve and dressed the evergreen beauties with nuts, apples and eggs, trying to appease the good spirits so that they would help people in various daily activities and undertakings. The first Christmas tree decorations - balls - were blown out by German glass blowers in the 17th century. Since then, for more than three centuries glass multi-colored toys have remained the most popular decoration of forest beauties all over the world. In Russia, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year was firmly established only in the nineteenth century. But even Peter the Great issued a decree on decorating houses and gates with branches of coniferous trees during the New Year celebrations on January 1, and not in the fall, as was customary in Russia. After Peter's death, the imperial decree was forgotten for a century and a half. This tradition was renewed by the German population of St. Petersburg, which was later supported by the local nobility. To provide all comers with "New Year beauties" whole nurseries are working where spruce and pine trees are grown. After all, in order for a New Year tree to grow from a small seed, it will take 6-7 years of continuous care and concern of a person behind the Christmas tree. Installed in a warm apartment, it quickly loses its attractiveness and freshness, therefore, already at the beginning of the last century, artificial New Year trees appeared, which were a sign of the wealth and special chic of that time. The factories of Christmas tree decorations worked and are working throughout the year to saturate the market with New Year's toys in December. and tinsel. Today, as in all spheres of life, there is minimalism and practicality, so the artificial spruce, decorated with soft bows and a multi-colored electric garland, has become a New Year's guest not only in offices, but also in residential buildings. Such a composition does not require a long installation and any special care. Many families maintain a centuries-old tradition of decorating a real Christmas tree a few days before the holiday - this turns into a whole event in which all family members participate. Sparkling Christmas tree decorations, shiny tinsel are preserved from year to year, replenished with new fashionable decorations and sweets in multi-colored wrappers. In capitals and big cities of different countries, New Year trees are installed in squares and squares and thereby attract attention and gather the townspeople around them throughout the New Year and Christmas holidays, uniting the general mood of expectation of something new and fabulous.
