Anniversary is an exciting event. Friends and relatives of the hero of the day puzzle over how to organize a celebration, what to give to a person who, it seems, already has everything. The hassle will be much less if you prepare in advance for the anniversary and agree with the guests who will congratulate and how.

- - list of invitees;
- - scenario;
- - old pictures;
- - album;
- - video films;
- - beautiful folder;
- - flowers;
- - banqueting hall;
- - present.
Step 1
Check out the guest list. Maybe you can come to an agreement and all together give the hero of the day something that he dreamed of all his life, but was not going to buy. If it is in your power - why not please the elderly person? Of course, you first need to find out what he dreamed of.
Step 2
Find out where the hero of the day would like to hold his celebration. The banquet hall must be ordered in advance, having thought over the menu and making a prepayment. Perhaps a restaurant or cafe has programs for such cases. If there is such a service, you can agree with the prospective toastmaster, tell him about the hero of the day, provide the necessary materials and an approximate list of audio recordings for the phonogram. It may also happen that the elderly person wants to celebrate the holiday at home. The apartment needs to be prepared. Panels made of balls and flower arrangements are also suitable for an elderly man. But such decorations should match the theme and match the color.
Step 3
An exhibition of photographs about the life of the hero of the day is appropriate in any case. It is better to arrange it at a special stand. If the photos are glued to the album sheets and the hero of the day is afraid to ruin them, scan the pictures and print.
Step 4
Some of the photos can be used for a computer presentation. It will look good, even if the hero of the day is not particularly in tune with modern technology. At the holiday, someone else can show the presentation, let it be a surprise for the hero of the occasion.
Step 5
If you have videos, edit the movie. It will be interesting for the guests and the hero of the day to watch it. If your city has its own TV company, you can call there and find out if they want to shoot a story about the hero of the day. The news shows not only prominent politicians or pop stars. It is not excluded that the staff of the TV company will gladly make an essay about your birthday boy. The same story can be shown at the celebration.
Step 6
Write about the hero of the day in your local newspaper. If you order just a congratulation, then it will be a paid service, albeit an inexpensive one. But an article about an interesting person can be published without any material costs on your part.
Step 7
Find out what piece of music the hero of the occasion likes best and order it on the radio. Choose a radio edition that the elderly person regularly listens to. Ask when the congratulations will sound, unless the hosts are in the habit of congratulating listeners on the air.
Step 8
Write a script. Ask guests who will say what. Draw up an approximate order of toasts. Prepare an introductory speech in which you will talk about the achievements of the hero of the day, about how he is dear to you and the rest of the audience. Come up with some toasts. Remember that the opening speech should not be too long, and the toasts should be alternated with artistic numbers. Insert a presentation, a movie and generally everything that you have prepared into the script.
Step 9
It is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the selection of the phonogram. Try to find out what works the hero of the day likes. Guests usually belong to the same circle as the hero of the occasion, so it will not be difficult to navigate in their tastes. Music can be played when guests are gathering. It is necessary to provide for several breaks for dancing. The vast majority of people who are now considered elderly danced very well at one time, since not a single youth party was complete without ballroom dancing. Pick up waltzes, tangos, foxtrots. Surely the guests will want to remember their youth and show what they are capable of.