Anniversaries differ from regular birthdays in that they happen less frequently. Someone considers only round dates to be jubilees - 10, 20, 30, 40 years, and so on. And some celebrate an anniversary every five years they have lived. In any case, they always try to make the celebration of this event more magnificent and memorable. Therefore, congratulations on the anniversary should be special.

Step 1
To congratulate a man on his anniversary in an original, non-standard way, you need to try to come up with the text of your speech yourself.
Step 2
If you or someone close to you have a talent for poetry, you can devote a whole ode to the birthday boy.
Step 3
You should not take ready-made toasts and congratulations from the Internet. First, it is plagiarism. Secondly, you will be very uncomfortable if someone invited to the anniversary used the same text or poem in his speech.
Step 4
It is better to compose a congratulation yourself. It doesn't matter if it will be in prose or if you have a poetic toast.
Step 5
To make the hero of the day really happy with your congratulations, you will have to work hard. Remember what achievements the hero of the day had. His successes must be mentioned in the congratulations text.
Step 6
Do not forget about the second half and the children of the hero of the day. Give them a few lines in your congratulations. The birthday man will be flattering to hear about what worthy, responsible, loving descendants he brought up.
Step 7
Next, tell us about your own feelings, how you feel about the hero of the day. Don't hide your emotions. Mention what a good friend the birthday man is, how often he helped you out in difficult situations.
Step 8
You can end the congratulation with words about achieving success in building and developing a career, wishes to remain an optimist, easily overcoming life's hardships.
Step 9
Do not skimp on kind and warm words in congratulating the hero of the day. Speak from the bottom of your heart, then your toast will touch the birthday person and will be remembered for a long time.
Step 10
When choosing a birthday present, be careful. If you know the hero of the day very well and can guess what he would like to receive for his holiday, then you can choose a present yourself.
Step 11
If you are not sure whether your gift will be liked or not, it is better to check with the birthday person in advance what he wants to receive. There is nothing reprehensible in this - this is quite a common practice. It is better to give the hero of the day what he wants than to hand over another tie or vacuum cleaner for the car.
Step 12
The gift doesn't have to be expensive. Having learned the preferences of the hero of the day, you can purchase a thing that is not very expensive, but at the same time very important and valuable for the birthday man.
Step 13
When you come to the anniversary, leave all your problems and sorrows outside the doorstep. Dedicate these few hours to the hero of the day. Let him feel surrounded by warmth and attention. Then the holiday will not turn into another booze and will bring a lot of positive emotions to the hero of the day.