On his birthday, it is important not only to present the birthday person, but also to congratulate him in an original way. The 50th anniversary is a great occasion to show imagination and surprise your loved one.

With the help of actors
You can congratulate your loved one on the 50th birthday with an ordinary postcard, words or SMS. However, on such an anniversary, I would like to please the hero of the occasion. You can sing a song or read a poem when you come to congratulate the hero of the day. True, not everyone has the proper acting skills.
So it is best to hire an actor who will come to the celebration with you and, while you are presenting the gift, will sing this very song, read a poem, or just play something on the guitar.
There are many offices for organizing draws, contact one of them. You can organize a drawing before the celebration, during the celebration or after it. The firm will offer you a lot of options for jokes - from the most harmless to the kidnapping of the birthday man. But you should be careful - at 50, after all, not everyone has a healthy heart.
With friends
You can try to negotiate with the rest of the guests and come together to the anniversary in the form of a gypsy camp. Dress up as gypsies. Gypsy costumes are good because you can wear evening dresses under them. Come to the place where the anniversary will be celebrated, be noisy and assertive, like real gypsies, women may even offer to tell fortunes. It is especially important to change clothes so that at the first moment the birthday person does not recognize you.
If the birthday falls on a weekday, and the birthday person is going to celebrate on the weekend, you can surprise him while he is at the service. Only for this you need the keys to his apartment or the help of the household. While the hero of the day is not at home, decorate one of the rooms, set the table. It is advisable to close the door to the "elegant" room. When the birthday boy comes home and opens the door to this room, suddenly turn on the light and congratulate him happily.
If the hero of the day has a car, then a cheerful congratulation can be arranged in it. You will have to get into the car of the hero of the day for a few minutes to arrange a surprise in it. You've probably heard about the devil that jumps out of the snuffbox. Only instead of a snuff box there will be a glove compartment, and instead of a devil - congratulations.
When the birthday man gets into his car, call him and tell him that you forgot gloves / wallet / documents, etc. in his glove compartment. Ask to see if they are there and bring them.
Another option, if you manage to sit in the car not for a couple of minutes, but at least an hour, instruct such "snuff boxes" in the most unexpected places in the car. In this case, say that you did not forget the documents in the glove compartment, but simply in the cabin on the seat.