50 years is not just an ordinary anniversary, it is a truly significant date, therefore, when choosing a congratulation, it is better to avoid the usual poems and texts that have set the teeth on edge. Your own work may be an ideal option, if you are not distinguished by literary talents, you should ask your friends for help or search the Internet for a text from which you can create something of your own.

Step 1
Obviously, an anniversary of this kind requires thoroughness, so you need to choose a good bouquet of flowers in advance, it will be appropriate, even if the birthday person is a man.
Step 2
A gift should not only be necessary and practical, but also meaningful. It should simultaneously symbolize the status of the birthday person, his position in society, the scale of the holiday and your relationship. Of course, choosing such a gift is not easy, but it will remind you of a joyful event for many years. For women, jewelry or vintage interior items are suitable, a man will be happy with old weapons or a good watch.
Step 3
But of course, a gift is not the main thing, the main thing is the atmosphere of the holiday. Not even the most outstanding subject can be justified in a humorous congratulation, so it needs to be prepared and rehearsed in advance. Ideally, you do not need to limit yourself to reading poetry on paper, because you can compose a song about the hero of the day and perform it solo or with all the guests, having previously printed the text.
Step 4
You can make a thematic video reflecting the stages of the formation of the personality of the hero of the day. 50 years is not just another birthday, it is an occasion to remind a person what place he occupies in the hearts of friends, so you need to prepare for congratulations on a large scale, without hesitation and without limiting your imagination.