Dad is able to protect you from childhood. He consoles this in a way that no one else can console, he will come to the rescue, regardless of the circumstances. And on his birthday, dad deserves the best and most interesting congratulations.

Congratulations for dad from all family members
If, at the request of your heart, you became the organizer of the celebration, you must think over how the congratulations of your beloved parent will take place. Include all children's performances in the script ahead of time. Of course, they should be the most cordial and sincere, so it is better to get together with the whole family and think over the number of each speaker.
Be sure to include humorous moments in the list of congratulations, let them become a surprise. These may be episodes from the father's life that no one knows about except the closest family members. In addition, scenes from your childhood, in which your dad was still young and inexperienced, may be presented at the holiday.
Try to make sure that the congratulation is remembered not only by the hero of the occasion, but also by everyone present. Poems are usually well received by guests, so try to compose something very funny and kind at the same time with your whole home team.
If you yourself do not have enough imagination, remake some well-known work, and if it is a costume performance, you will definitely not forget it! In extreme cases, you can always find a congratulatory text on the Internet. During solemn speeches, you must convey to your parent that he is still young and necessary for you.
Congratulations for dad from you personally
It also happens that you are one child in a family. In this case, it is even more pleasant and easier to prepare congratulations to dad for his anniversary. Start by choosing a gift. Let it not be formulaic. You should know everything about your father: his tastes, preferences and desires. Try to give a present that the birthday person will be delighted with.
Remember that flowers are also a great gift for a male hero of the day, especially if this is a close person. Away with stereotypes! Surely the florist will tell you that you can make a wonderful men's bouquet from gladioli, roses, chrysanthemums and tulips.
But your verbal congratulations should still be the most cordial. It is best to come up with a speech on your own, you can even poetry. In any case, these should be words from the very heart, warm and sincere. Rehearse ahead of time so that there is no misfire or excitement during your performance in front of the guests.
Creative people will be able to make a wall newspaper based on family photographs. In addition, you can attach original and funny signatures to them, then the joy of the hero of the day is guaranteed.
Let the holiday of your dear person become for you a day of honor. Give your father pleasure and be sure to tell him how dear he is to you.