Congratulating your dad on Fisherman's Day, present him with a useful and pleasant gift. Time the joyous event for the second Sunday in July. On this day, the holiday is officially celebrated by people for whom fishing is a professional activity.

Make original napkins in the shape of fish. Purchase fishing-themed decals and apply them to your crockery. If on the eve of the celebration, your dad was on a fishing trip, prepare dishes from his catch and serve them to the festive table.
Present your dad with a waterproof tackle box that will help him organize his fishing equipment and prevent household members from bumping into wobblers, reels and hooks in the most unexpected places.
If you want to please the head of the family, pick up polarizing glasses in a fishing store that will allow you to see the smallest objects on the water surface without straining your eyes in any weather.
If your dad spends several days fishing for several days in a row, present him with a waterproof tent, in which it will be comfortable to rest in the rain or midday sun.
Remember, this lightweight, roomy backpack made from water-repellent, non-marking fabric with many multifunctional pockets and compartments is the perfect gift for the fisherman.
If your dad doesn't have a boat or needs a replacement, give him a two-seater inflatable boat. It can be successfully used in between fishing trips for boat trips during a family vacation.
Involve your family members in the design of a colorful album of photographs of your father's fishing trophies. Sign the pictures that your dad would like especially to comment on. When handing over a gift, choose words that will assure your loved one of your sincere feelings for him.
Book a one-day visit to a private fishing farm for the whole family. Dad will be pleased to demonstrate his skills and surprise the people closest to him with trophies. A joint vacation will give you a reason to be proud of your father's fishing skills and will give a lot of positive emotions to all family members.